On 11/12/2008 10:15 AM India Time, _mb4zap®_ wrote:

> Exactly!
> *ARR never gets any fear in his spine or anywhere in his body. His soul, 
> body, thoughts are all drowned in Divine Music and Divinity altogether.. 
> . he does everything for GOD, not for men / women etc ..*
> - How would anyone know how true it is without knowing who he is talking 
> about!

After year of following up about a person, seeing him, hearing him and 
about him, listening to his work, we do form a fair idea about him even 
we have never met such that person in person.

In 16 years of my follow-up of ARR, I have not found any instance where 
he had "given a slip" to his thoughts/ views/ actions/ interactions that 
were contrary to what Vithur wrote above. And, you must have known by 
now that I am openly, vocally, verbally, observant and critical if I 
feel anything is not correct.


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