"Because ARR's music is so spiritually informed, are we as a group of 

devoted ARR fans more sensitive to and attuned to spirituality in 

general? "

To me this part of your reasoning appeals becauseĀ  I believe each and everyone 
of us is spiritually inclined though it can be in varying degrees and ARR's 
music brings about that spiritual awakening in us and we are able to appreciate 
that awakening. Hence this in turn causes us to bond together as a group.

--- On Tue, 3/3/09, Chord <purev...@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Chord <purev...@yahoo.com>
Subject: [arr] What do we as ARR fans all have in common?
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, 3 March, 2009, 2:07 AM

            This question relates to our love for ARR and his music.  I have 

always been fascinated in the relationships between human variables 

and music/art preference.  

We all love ARR and his music for various reasons.  There are many 

individual differences as to why each of us loves his music so much.  

But, I'm more interested in the common factors.  We are part of a fan 

group, posting messages, having ARR and his music as a big part of 

our lives.  This same question can be asked to any fan group of any 

artist, but why is it that ARR's music touches us and impresses us AS 

A GROUP and does not have the same effect on others?  Again, I'm more 

interested in COMMON human factors that bind us as a group that lead 

us to be such passionate and devoted ARR fans.

Because ARR's music is so spiritually informed, are we as a group of 

devoted ARR fans more sensitive to and attuned to spirituality in 

general? Because ARR's music is so diverse and encompasses worldly 

influences, are we as a group more worldly and tolerant in our 

approach to human differences?  Because ARR's music is often so thick 

and layered and well textured, are we as a group for some reason 

better able to process this complexity in more meaningful ways than 

others who prefer simpler music by virtue of our education, 

upbringing, or other factors?  Are we as a group more compassionate 

towards others since ARR is all about giving and helping?

Again, these are just thoughts.  I'm interested in generating a 

aningful discussion about what factors bind us as a group of 

passionate ARR fans.  Thanks for reading and hope to hear your 







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