Fame takes its toll on Rahman 9 Mar 2009, 0000 hrs IST, SUBHASH K JHA
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   Has A R Rahman been overdoing it?
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The past year which spawned about a dozen Hindi and Tamil soundracks, and
the whirlwind Slumdog Millionaire experience and its culmination with the
Oscars, has taken its toll on the music
from Madras’ genius’ health. According to close friends of the composer,
since his return home after the Oscars, Rahman has been very unwell, so much
so that he had to cancel a scheduled trip to London last Friday night.

Work back home has also been suffering. Rahman was not able to complete the
song that was filmed on Sanjay Dutt
Kylie Minogue, Akshay Kumar and Zayed Khan in Film City for Blue. And,
reportedly, a scratch recording is being used for the shooting. Confirming
these developments, director Anthony D’Souza said, “It’s true. But what a
song! Even a scratch recording by Rahman is worth far more than the final
recording of many other composers.”

Rahman fell ill and was bed-ridden this week, thereby further putting behind
his pending assignments. “I’ve returned from LA to complete three film
assignments — Mani Ratnam’s film, Shankar’s Robot and Blue. And then I’ve to
go back to 
said Rahman. He admitted that the song that Kylie Minogue danced to in
Mumbai with Sanjay Dutt, Akshay Kumar and the rest of the cast for Blue was
actually a rough cut. “I’ll finish it soon,” he said. “I’m in Chennai for
two weeks. Then I return to LA.” The question is, what happens to the
pending assignments back home?


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