This mail is better............ Your points are well taken...

For your Kind Information, no one gets paid for writing mails or posts. If
someone is doing it, it means, that someone is really excited to do so, and
that someone is quite happy with himself to share his joy with others.

Everyone here would be having his or her own profession and everyone for
that matter knows that " Duty is God and Work is Worship".

Nothing to worry. No One is whiling away time by posting info on ARR.

A True RAHMANIAC is also a true KARMA YOGI.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 5:09 PM, <> wrote:

>      Hi Fellow Rahman Fans,
> Let me make things clear first...
> I am member of this group for about 2 years now.
> I am a software professional. I read all mails posted in this forum
> everyday.
> I even went to that extent that I pulled out all archive mails that were
> posted before I became a member of this group. I respect his music a lot and
> am a die hard fan of his music.
> Just like you guys, I love AR for who he is more than his music.
> He has taught many of us what are the attributes of a gentleman, which has
> a very strong influence on the way we behave now.
> So, why did I write such a mail??
> Answer: I wanted my point to go across strongly. I really did not mean
> Rahmaniacs as STUPID. If so, then I too am on among you guys.
> I want this group to be one of the finest groups in Yahoo. There should be
> a take-away or a value-add to oneself after reading these mails.
> I know most of the good things that we fans do as Rahman's fan,
> example:
> Distribution of food to poor by Rahman's fans - I SALUTE U GUYS
> Sharing new about KM Music School - Teaching poor students music for free -
> I SALUTE U GUYS - these things kindles humaneness in us
> Sharing news about what guitar genius told in KM Music School - The points
> he made were the take aways for us fans.- I SALUTE U GUYS
> Akash's instrumental tracks - aspiring other fans also to try their hand at
> music and getting constructive feedbacks from other fans.  - I SALUTE U GUYS
> And many more....
> I want things like this to happen more than not.
> These are the things which I think adds value to our group. Tell me if you
> guys disagree.
> I agree this is the best forum for us fans to express our feelings and be
> happy, but being a Rahman's fan expects us to display very high standards in
> our character.
> We cannot afford to post whatevr we want. There should be a code of conduct
> which every member must follow. Read thru all archive mails, you will
> understand how many mails actually are worth a read. Dont many of us skip a
> lot of the Reply mails for  a particlular topic. Unnecessary replies. I
> point needs to be made. You met Rahman, well its a good news, express it,
> but why do you tak that topic so much further.
> And why did I say that talking about music doesn't fill our belly??
> Answer: Many of you replied that I was trying to be too smart by making my
> point.
> What do I get in return? We are a family, if someone or something goes a
> little haywire, we as members should take the initiative to explain things
> to other family members. Thats what I did. My point is still the same. Donot
> take music as the only thing in life. If may of you guys are professionals
> and are just participating in this forum at your leisure, I am glad.
> But this is for those young fans who have not yet become professionals.
> At this point, I would like to quote about what the Tamil Actor Ajit Kumar
> told once to his fans: "Come to a movie theatre, watch that 2-3 hours movie,
> enjoy, laugh, cry, dance while you are at the theatre. But once the movie is
> over, get back to your life.. Work hard, educat your kids, take cae of your
> family and basically fullfil your needs in life."
> I think he is the only film star that I know who said, he doesn't want
> fan-clubs. Thats the display of true care that you have on your fans. Its
> simple but true.
> I have the same feeling for AR as I think of Ajit Kumar. AR would also
> think in the same lines.
> Listen to his music, praise it, feel it, be happy, but then get back to ur
> job and make your career. (If it is not yet done). Partcipate in the forums
> only at leisure.
> (By looking at the number of posts that come in everyday, I wonder if
> people do anything other than participating in the forums. Thats what
> triggerred me to write this mail. Mind you, I have noticed this frenzy for 2
> years. Only then I stepped-in.)
> My only point was to make my fellow members aware of what is real and what
> is not.
> I want all Rahman fans to be the brightest in their field. I too am
> striving for the same.
> I appologize if I had made any strong statements (but I had no other choice
> than that) to put across my point. Lets just take steps from our side to
> keep this community alive with healthy discussions.
> This is an era of JAAGO RE, we youth cant go away from it. My previous mail
> was just an awareness mail. I want everyone to be good and happy and have a
> beautiful life. Nothing else was my intention.
> We fans are not stupids, we are here to rock the world and Rahman Sir's
> music will guide us always.
> Jai Ho,
> Ranjit
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