I would rather be Happy if anybody calls me 'stupid Rahmaniac'

"jai ho"

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "Jahanzeb Farooq" <jahanzebti...@...> 
> sorry to say but both of your mails did not make much sense to me. if we 
> would not say ourselves die-hard ARR fans and not share our love for him 
> here, where else we are supposed to do that? after all this is the main 
> objective of having a fan group. 
> and what Dinesh described was certainly not stupid but exciting and 
> heart-warming.  
> > There should be a code of conduct which every member must follow. Read thru 
> > all archive mails, you will understand how many mails actually are worth a 
> > read. Dont many of us skip a lot of the Reply mails for  a particlular 
> > topic. Unnecessary replies. 
> wow...... this is simply a group to share our views, this is not some 
> assembly or conference or classroom etc. why do we need to be so formal? the 
> only purpose is to share our views on ARR and his music. 
> > Donot take music as the only thing in life. 
> but who is doing that? i don't think one would take music as the only thing 
> in his life.
> > If may of you guys are professionals and are just participating in this 
> > forum at your leisure, I am glad. But this is for those young fans who have 
> > not yet become professionals. 
> well many of fans here, like me too, are ARR's fans since their school times. 
> did it spoil their career? i don't think so. being a music or ARR fan does 
> not mean that people don't do anything else. i am sure fans here are of 
> course serious in their professional lives and successful too.
> -
> Jahanzeb
> --- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, yseriesr@ wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Hi Fellow Rahman Fans,
> >  
> > Let me make things clear first...
> > 
> > I am member of this group for about 2 years now.
> > I am a software professional. I read all mails posted in this forum 
> > everyday.
> > I even went to that extent that I pulled out all archive mails that were 
> > posted before I became a member of this group. I respect his music a lot 
> > and am a die hard fan of his music. 
> > 
> > Just like you guys, I love AR for who he is more than his music.
> > He has taught many of us what are the attributes of a gentleman, which has 
> > a very strong influence on the way we behave now.
> > 
> > So, why did I write such a mail??
> > Answer: I wanted my point to go across strongly. I really did not mean 
> > Rahmaniacs as STUPID. If so, then I too am on among you guys. 
> > I want this group to be one of the finest groups in Yahoo. There should be 
> > a take-away or a value-add to oneself after reading these mails.
> > I know most of the good things that we fans do as Rahman's fan,
> > example: 
> > Distribution of food to poor by Rahman's fans - I SALUTE U GUYS
> > Sharing new about KM Music School - Teaching poor students music for free - 
> > I SALUTE U GUYS - these things kindles humaneness in us
> > Sharing news about what guitar genius told in KM Music School - The points 
> > he made were the take aways for us fans.- I SALUTE U GUYS
> > Akash's instrumental tracks - aspiring other fans also to try their hand at 
> > music and getting constructive feedbacks from other fans.  - I SALUTE U GUYS
> > And many more....
> > 
> > I want things like this to happen more than not.
> > These are the things which I think adds value to our group. Tell me if you 
> > guys disagree.
> > 
> > I agree this is the best forum for us fans to express our feelings and be 
> > happy, but being a Rahman's fan expects us to display very high standards 
> > in our character.
> > We cannot afford to post whatevr we want. There should be a code of conduct 
> > which every member must follow. Read thru all archive mails, you will 
> > understand how many mails actually are worth a read. Dont many of us skip a 
> > lot of the Reply mails for  a particlular topic. Unnecessary replies. I 
> > point needs to be made. You met Rahman, well its a good news, express it, 
> > but why do you tak that topic so much further.
> > 
> > And why did I say that talking about music doesn't fill our belly??
> > Answer: Many of you replied that I was trying to be too smart by making my 
> > point.
> > What do I get in return? We are a family, if someone or something goes a 
> > little haywire, we as members should take the initiative to explain things 
> > to other family members. Thats what I did. My point is still the same. 
> > Donot take music as the only thing in life. If may of you guys are 
> > professionals and are just participating in this forum at your leisure, I 
> > am glad. But this is for those young fans who have not yet become 
> > professionals. 
> > 
> > At this point, I would like to quote about what the Tamil Actor Ajit Kumar 
> > told once to his fans: "Come to a movie theatre, watch that 2-3 hours 
> > movie, enjoy, laugh, cry, dance while you are at the theatre. But once the 
> > movie is over, get back to your life. Work hard, educat your kids, take cae 
> > of your family and basically fullfil your needs in life."
> > I think he is the only film star that I know who said, he doesn't want 
> > fan-clubs. Thats the display of true care that you have on your fans. Its 
> > simple but true.
> > 
> > I have the same feeling for AR as I think of Ajit Kumar. AR would also 
> > think in the same lines.
> > 
> > Listen to his music, praise it, feel it, be happy, but then get back to ur 
> > job and make your career. (If it is not yet done). Partcipate in the forums 
> > only at leisure.
> > (By looking at the number of posts that come in everyday, I wonder if 
> > people do anything other than participating in the forums. Thats what 
> > triggerred me to write this mail. Mind you, I have noticed this frenzy for 
> > 2 years. Only then I stepped-in.)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > My only point was to make my fellow members aware of what is real and what 
> > is not.
> > I want all Rahman fans to be the brightest in their field. I too am 
> > striving for the same.
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > I appologize if I had made any strong statements (but I had no other choice 
> > than that) to put across my point. Lets just take steps from our side to 
> > keep this community alive with healthy discussions.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > This is an era of JAAGO RE, we youth cant go away from it. My previous mail 
> > was just an awareness mail. I want everyone to be good and happy and have a 
> > beautiful life. Nothing else was my intention.
> > 
> > 
> > We fans are not stupids, we are here to rock the world and Rahman Sir's 
> > music will guide us always.
> > 
> > Jai Ho,
> > Ranjit
> > 
> > 
> >       Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to 
> > http://messenger.yahoo.com/invite/
> >

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