I love Chiggy Wiggy like anything... If media or a portion of people dont
like it,,, its their problem.

I join hands with you Chord..

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 8:02 PM, ichord <purev...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I wanted to start a new thread on this. I feel that the media attacks on
> Chiggy Wiggy the song are slightly unfair and over the top. Yes, I agree,
> it's not AR's greatest song, but it's not as bad as it's being made out to
> be in the media. I know it's a high profile song due to Kylie's presence and
> there was much hype about it, so I understand the disappointments by some,
> but to single the song out like that and pan it in notable media is too much
> IMO. I have to suspect some kind of media backlash, or at least sections of
> the media have organized bias against the song for some reasons. Maybe they
> were paid to write bad stuff about the song by someone.
> I will say this again: I like Chiggy Wiggy. I don't love the song or think
> it's brilliant, but I find it catchy and experimental and just fun. Kylie's
> voice is very sexy and silky. I love the sound effects in the song and the
> ending when Sonu uses Punjabi slang is really funny and very entertaining.
> The melody sticks and the beats are good. In fact, when I check out comments
> on the web about this song, there are just as many positive comments as
> there are negatives about the song, so there are a good percentage of people
> who love it too.


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