Chiggy Wiggy is an awesome compositon...sad that some are not able to enjoy 
it....People had huge expectations from this song due to the hype created and 
especially with the kind of singers roped in..and with those huge expectations 
they have made themselves in a position where they are not able to enjoy this 
fun number..

Thank God Farhan didnt sing Fiqraana, otherwise people wouldn't have spared it 

From: ichord <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:02:51 PM
Subject: [arr] Attack on Chiggy Wiggy unfair

I wanted to start a new thread on this. I feel that the media attacks on Chiggy 
Wiggy the song are slightly unfair and over the top. Yes, I agree, it's not 
AR's greatest song, but it's not as bad as it's being made out to be in the 
media. I know it's a high profile song due to Kylie's presence and there was 
much hype about it, so I understand the disappointments by some, but to single 
the song out like that and pan it in notable media is too much IMO. I have to 
suspect some kind of media backlash, or at least sections of the media have 
organized bias against the song for some reasons. Maybe they were paid to write 
bad stuff about the song by someone.

I will say this again: I like Chiggy Wiggy. I don't love the song or think it's 
brilliant, but I find it catchy and experimental and just fun. Kylie's voice is 
very sexy and silky. I love the sound effects in the song and the ending when 
Sonu uses Punjabi slang is really funny and very entertaining. The melody 
sticks and the beats are good. In fact, when I check out comments on the web 
about this song, there are just as many positive comments as there are 
negatives about the song, so there are a good percentage of people who love it 


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