It was telecasting 40Mins ago ... Missed atleast 75% of it ( i Think ) [?]
....anyone recorded the full part of it  ?? Please Upload it on Youtube :-(
I recorded i bit of it ...but it's not even 15% of the main interview ...
ARR was looking cool ,with a new hairstyle

he was talking abt many things ... Like Working on Ghajini/amir
He said " i would say amir is one person i've worked little closer ,either
than mostly my interactions r mainly withe the directors"
He didnt know amir can spend whole night playing chess ( interviewer did let
him know that )
They talked abt jai ho
Abt his Recording studio in LA .. he said he just hired a small place , for
the time being
He said ...he dont wanna b on Maddame tusso ( what's the spelling of it :s )

And many more ....

*well , Herz a good news ....There will b  a re-telecast On **Sat, Oct
24,  3:00PM *
*I think the video will b uploaded Here soon Or  Or
Anyone to notice this video been uploaded .... Requested to let me know at
first ...

And one more thing ...*Why the hell we dont get any info on these things ???
Cant any officials help us on this ?? we just wanna know the time & channel
in which we can see a glimpse of him ... cant it b Done ?? **[?] Gopal ,
Vijay bro ... R u Listening ?? [?]*
- Regards

~ ~ A.R.Rajib ~ ~


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