wow man!! its because of your efforts. Chance favours the prepared mind they 
say, very true in your case. You met rahman and also drove at 170kmph..both are 
Remixes I Originals I Opinions 

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 02:35:24 +0000


                  it was heart warming reading ur post. truly blessed ! please 
do share with us the pic u taken... :)

--- In, "umiesha" <umie...@...> wrote:


> 17TH October 2009……

> Diwali – the Hindu Festival of Light……

> My Birthday too…….




> My `big dream of the decade' came true…in a most unexpected way.


> It was around 4.30 p.m. and I was chatting online with my sister, telling her 
> how depressed I was because I was going to miss another chance to see my 
> `Hero' – A R Rahman – who would be attending an award ceremony 350km away in 
> neighbouring Belgium.


> While we were chatting, the doorbell rang, making me jump, so I logged off 
> and went to see who was at the door – it was my good friend, Dinesh. 


> Opening the door, he gave me a big hug and greeted me with "happy birthday 
> and may all your dreams come true!" I thanked him but told him that I only 
> had one dream and no way was that going to come true! Dinesh asked me what I 
> was talking about. 


> "My Guruji is attending an award ceremony in Belgium", I replied. Dinesh was 
> a little upset and said, "He is not only your Guruji but mine too!" I 
> apologised to Dinesh and told him that all the tickets for the ceremony had 
> been sold the previous week – I have known that since two days before. I 
> didn't have a car – or a driving license, for that matter – and if I went by 
> train, I would not be able to get back home as the ceremony didn't finish 
> until 11.00 p.m. What's more, I did not know anyone in Belgium, so had no 
> local support.


> "Sorry", my `Rahmaniacs', I didn't tell you what the ceremony was about. It 
> was the `World Soundtrack Academy Awards' and was being held in the city of 
> Gent.


> OK, back to how I could make my big dream come true.

> Dinesh suggested that we call the place where the ceremony was being held and 
> ask again about tickets. "OK," I said, "I'll do it" and dialled the Awards 
> office number. 

> "How may I help you?" the receptionist asked.

> I told her that I was calling from the Netherlands and asked if there were 
> any tickets available for that evening's awards programme. I didn't need to 
> tell Dinesh that the receptionist's reply had been, "I am sorry to say that 
> all the tickets have been sold" – it was obvious from the way I looked at him.


> I did not hang-up however but told the receptionist, "Look, I am A R Rahman's 
> craziest fan – I don't care if I don't get to talk with him – just to see him 
> would be enough. At what time will the guests be at the entrance? Is it 
> possible just to stand there to get a look at him? Please help me madam! My 
> home is 350 km away from Gent and it will take me almost 3 hours by car to 
> get there. Dinesh could hear all this as I had switched my `phone to 
> `speaker-phone'.



> After a while, the receptionist said, "Look, I know how much you guys love A 
> R Rahman… let me talk to my colleague". - my face got brighter – "The show is 
> going to start around 

> 8.00p.m. but the doors will be open between 6.00p.m. and 7.45p.m. and that's 
> when all the VIP's will arrive; then there's a break at 9.00p.m….oh, just a 
> minute" she said.


> After a short time, she came back on the line and told us, "you guys might 
> just be lucky…you might get two tickets after the break but I can't promise 
> anything because it depends on whether people stay for the second part of the 
> ceremony." That last sentence left our hearts racing and I could hardly form 
> my words to thank her. She laughed and hung up.


> Now, the next problem was the car! Dinesh had a license but did not have his 
> own motor. "I'm going to `phone a car rental company", he said, and by the 
> time I was going to remind him that today was a Saturday, he was already 
> being told, "Yep, we have a car available" and Dinesh told him that he would 
> collect it in 5 minutes. I couldn't believe our luck. 


> I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5 minutes past 5.00p.m and my mind 
> could think of nothing except getting the car and driving straight to Gent. 
> Dinesh told me he would collect the car and be back to pick me up in 10 
> minutes and that I should be ready and waiting on the street!


> Although my stomach was churning and my nerves were on a knife-edge, the 
> thought of the ceremony in Gent helped reduce the tension. I just wanted to 
> see my hero's humble face and tell him, "Guruji, I love you, jai ho!" even if 
> it was some distance away from him. That's all I was thinking.


> Out on the street, I saw a new Nissan approaching, with Dinesh at the wheel. 
> I was jumping up and down as though I had taken the winning catch in the last 
> cricket match of the season! Dinesh knew that I was not feeling well so 
> suggested I got in the back seat and try to sleep.


> To get there at the time the receptionist had advised us, Dinesh had to `put 
> his foot down' and at times, I saw we were doing 170 kph! After 20 minutes 
> driving, we hit a traffic jam and my nerves started to get to me again. 
> "Don't worry", Dinesh said, "we'll soon get through this"…and so we did and 
> were once again cruising at 170 kph while most of the other vehicles on the 
> road were travelling at around 120 kph. Our high speed, my iPhone and 
> Dinesh's `SatNav' all played a part in helping us reach Gent in 3 hours.


> I had fallen asleep and Dinesh woke me to tell me we had arrived…in the city 
> but not the ceremony venue! The `SatNav' had `gone on the blink' so we would 
> have to stop and ask someone how we could get to our destination. As I was 
> feeling refreshed from my sleep, I told Dinesh that I would go and ask 
> someone how we reach our target. It was 8.25p.m. and the interval was at 
> 9.00p.m. Then I thought, "why not call the ceremony office?" As luck would 
> have it, the same receptionist answered my call and I told her that we were 
> in Gent but didn't know how to get to the venue. This `angel' told us that we 
> were quite near and gave us the necessary directions. She also said that she 
> would send someone to escort us to the building where the ceremony was taking 
> place. What a wonderful woman she was!!!


> Sure enough, as we were parking the Nissan, someone came up to us and 
> escorted us inside. Once inside, he said, "Have a nice evening and hope you 
> might be lucky and meet with 

> Mr. Rahman". We shook his hand and thanked him for his help and kindness, 
> realising that the receptionist had told him all about us!

> Making our way between Porsches, Lamborghinis and other top marque cars, we 
> headed for the entrance and asked the security staff – in the politest way – 
> where the Reception was. "Could I see your tickets please", the security guy 
> asked. Instead of showing him, I told him the entire story about our contact 
> with the lady receptionist and our break-neck drive from Netherlands. He 
> replied that while he recognised that we were devoted fans of A R Rahman, we 
> could not enter without tickets but said that he would check with his 
> colleague in Reception.


> I told Dinesh that even if we failed to get in, we shouldn't feel too bad, as 
> we had tried our hardest for our Guruji. Dinesh agreed with me but said that 
> we should not lose faith. I agreed.


> The security guard returned and said, "You guys are really lucky as they have 
> had two cancellations". Dinesh and I could hardly believe what the guy was 
> telling us. Wow…could it really be happening? He opened the door and took us 
> through to Reception, where I noticed the clock showed 8.50p.m. – 10 minutes 
> to the interval! Then I heard a voice asking,  "Are you the two guys who 
> `phoned me from the Netherlands?" It was our `guardian angel' and we told 
> her, "Yes, we are the guys" and thanked her for all her help and kindness. 
> She laughed and told us how lucky we were, handing us the two tickets. The 
> security guard showed us to a waiting area and told us that in a few minutes, 
> the place would be full of famous people. 


> I told Dinesh how grateful I was to him for getting us here. "Yeah, yeah", he 
> said, "But now, we have to ask someone where our `hero' is, in this vast 
> place". Big screens were showing live telecast but it was already 9.00p.m. 
> and people were quietly making their way to the waiting area – where we were 
> waiting!


> I recognised some of the programme organisers, and I approached one of them 
> and said, "Hello sir, we have come from the Netherlands and would like to see 
> Mr. A R Rahman". "Hmm", he replied, "You have missed the first part of the 
> programme when `A R' received the award for Best Song of the Year". "We just 
> need to know where we can see him, even from a distance", I replied. The 
> programme organiser told us that at that moment, `A R' and other VIPs were 
> having their photographs taken but that he couldn't let us into the VIP area. 
> However, he showed us the entrance where the second part of the ceremony 
> would take place and said we would definitely meet `A R' if he decided to 
> stay for the second session.


> I switched on my iPhone, keeping my eyes on the people coming out of the VIP 
> lounge with only one hope in my heart…that our Guruji would come through that 
> door! As I stood there, my nerves were once again at breaking point – like a 
> student waiting for his exam results. It was 9.40p.m. and the second part of 
> the ceremony would be starting in just another 20 minutes.


> After a few minutes, I saw someone in a blue coat and I called to Dinesh to 
> look. 

> Yeahhhhhh it was the man himself…


> …the golden moment in my life

> …the moment I had waited 13 years for

> …the only humble face I had wanted to see in my whole life

> …the Mozart of Asia

> …the music miracle

> …The One and Only A R Rahman


> Yes, he was coming to the entrance for the second part of the ceremony. He is 
> just 15 metres away from us. I said to Dinesh, "Oh man, I can't believe this" 
> – my whole body was shaking!

> As his eyes met ours, I greeted him in the traditional Tamil way by saying, 
> "Vanakkam Sir", shaking his hand with one of my trembling ones, my other hand 
> over my heart. Although overcome by my feelings at meeting my hero, I was 
> strongly aware of how much I missed my sister, in India.

> When we looked at each other and I took in his humble face, I felt that I was 
> on another planet or, maybe even in Heaven!





> I knew that Guruji had little time, as he had to return to the concert hall 
> for the 2nd part of the show, but I asked him, "Sir, is it possible for me to 
> have a photo taken with you?" Without a second thought, and in his typically 
> humble way, he said, "Ya, sure".

> Although I was thinking that a photo of me with my Guru would provide enough 
> pleasure for the rest of my life, I still couldn't stop thinking about my 
> sister. I am the only one who knows how much she adores Guru Ji and how much 
> she would have loved to be with me at that time. Still, I thought, "one day, 
> she too will meet our hero."


> Dinesh and I posed with the great man, while our photos were taken. Photos, 
> which undoubtedly, will be the most memorable in my life! Then we had to bid 
> our hero "goodbye" as the ceremony organisers and security staff was waiting 
> to escort him back to the concert hall for the second session.


> After this `golden moment' many other unexpected things happened but not as 
> important as when I met our dearest Guruji.


> P.S. 

> Dear Rahmaniacs, I know all of you dream of the day when you will meet our 
> dearest Guruji.


> After waking up each day, I used to wonder if this would be the day that I 
> would see my hero, and that thought always gave me an indescribably good 
> feeling.


> Finally I met him! 


> So my advice to everyone is, "Stay confident and Keep The Faith…one day, you 
> will all meet him!"







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