first of all...thanks to dinesh anna :) 
actually...we´ve planned a big party for umesh on his bday here in 
germany...but he cancelled our invitation few days back...coz he was really 
sick...n not able to cum to germany...we were a lil bit angry with him...coz we 
ve planned the food, location and gifts...butnobody knew tht this was the big 
day for him...
chaos theory ;) 
so...sorry again :P

--- Farzad Khaleel <> schrieb am Di, 27.10.2009:

Von: Farzad Khaleel <>
Datum: Dienstag,
 27. Oktober 2009, 7:43


                  Congrats Umesh.. Atlast you met :)

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Vithur <vith...@gmail. com> wrote:


                  Congrats on you meeting ARR. God Bless. 

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 1:41 AM, umiesha <umie...@yahoo. com> wrote:


17TH October 2009……
Diwali – the Hindu Festival of Light……
My Birthday too…….


My `big dream of the decade' came true…in a most unexpected way.

It was around 4.30 p.m. and I was chatting online with my sister, telling her 
how depressed I was because I was going to miss another chance to see my `Hero' 
– A R Rahman – who would be attending an award ceremony 350km away in 
neighbouring Belgium.

While we were chatting, the doorbell rang, making me jump, so I logged off and 
went to see who was at the door – it was my good friend, Dinesh. 

Opening the door, he gave me a big hug and greeted me with "happy birthday and 
may all your dreams come true!" I thanked him but told him that I only had one 
dream and no way was that going to come true! Dinesh asked me what I was 
talking about. 

"My Guruji is attending an award ceremony in Belgium", I replied. Dinesh was a 
little upset and said, "He is not only your Guruji but mine too!" I apologised 
to Dinesh and told him that all the tickets for the ceremony had been sold the 
previous week – I have known that since two days before. I didn't have a car – 
or a driving license, for that matter – and if I went by train, I would not be 
able to get back home as the ceremony didn't finish until 11.00 p.m. What's 
more, I did not know anyone in Belgium, so had no local support.

"Sorry", my `Rahmaniacs', I didn't tell you what the ceremony was about. It was 
the `World Soundtrack Academy Awards' and was being held in the city of Gent.

OK, back to how I could make my big dream come true.

Dinesh suggested that we call the place where the ceremony was being held and 
ask again about tickets. "OK," I said, "I'll do it" and dialled the Awards 
office number. 
"How may I help you?" the receptionist asked.

I told her that I was calling from the Netherlands and asked if there were any 
tickets available for that evening's awards programme. I didn't need to tell 
Dinesh that the receptionist's reply had been, "I am sorry to say that all the 
tickets have been sold" – it was obvious from the way I looked at him.

I did not hang-up however but told the receptionist, "Look, I am A R Rahman's 
craziest fan – I don't care if I don't get to talk with him – just to see him 
would be enough. At what time will the guests be at the entrance? Is it 
possible just to stand there to get a look at him? Please help me madam! My 
home is 350 km away from Gent and it will take me almost 3 hours by car to get 
there. Dinesh could hear all this as I had switched my `phone to 

After a while, the receptionist said, "Look, I know how much you guys love A R 
Rahman… let me talk to my colleague". - my face got brighter – "The show is 
going to start around 
8.00p.m. but the doors will be open between 6.00p.m. and 7.45p.m. and that's 
when all the VIP's will arrive; then there's a break at 9.00p.m….oh, just a 
minute" she said.

After a short time, she came back on the line and told us, "you guys might just 
be lucky…you might get two tickets after the break but I can't promise anything 
because it depends on whether people stay for the second part of the ceremony." 
That last sentence left our hearts racing and I could hardly form my words to 
thank her. She laughed and hung up.

Now, the next problem was the car! Dinesh had a license but did not have his 
own motor. "I'm going to `phone a car rental company", he said, and by the time 
I was going to remind him that today was a Saturday, he was already being told, 
"Yep, we have a car available" and Dinesh told him that he would collect it in 
5 minutes. I couldn't believe our luck. 

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5 minutes past 5.00p.m and my mind 
could think of nothing except getting the car and driving straight to Gent. 
Dinesh told me he would collect the car and be back to pick me up in 10 minutes 
and that I should be ready and waiting on the street!

Although my stomach was churning and my nerves were on a knife-edge, the 
thought of the ceremony in Gent helped reduce the tension. I just wanted to see 
my hero's humble face and tell him, "Guruji, I love you, jai ho!" even if it 
was some distance away from him. That's all I was thinking.

Out on the street, I saw a new Nissan approaching, with Dinesh at the wheel. I 
was jumping up and down as though I had taken the winning catch in the last 
cricket match of the season! Dinesh knew that I was not feeling well so 
suggested I got in the back seat and try to sleep.

To get there at the time the receptionist had advised us, Dinesh had to `put 
his foot down' and at times, I saw we were doing 170 kph! After 20 minutes 
driving, we hit a traffic jam and my nerves started to get to me again. "Don't 
worry", Dinesh said, "we'll soon get through this"…and so we did and were once 
again cruising at 170 kph while most of the other vehicles on the road were 
travelling at around 120 kph. Our high speed, my iPhone and Dinesh's `SatNav' 
all played a part in helping us reach Gent in 3 hours.

I had fallen asleep and Dinesh woke me to tell me we had arrived…in the city 
but not the ceremony venue! The `SatNav' had `gone on the blink' so we would 
have to stop and ask someone how we could get to our destination. As I was 
feeling refreshed from my sleep, I told Dinesh that I would go and ask someone 
how we reach our target. It was 8.25p.m. and the interval was at 9.00p.m. Then 
I thought, "why not call the ceremony office?" As luck would have it, the same 
receptionist answered my call and I told her that we were in Gent but didn't 
know how to get to the venue. This `angel' told us that we were quite near and 
gave us the necessary directions. She also said that she would send someone to 
escort us to the building where the ceremony was taking place. What a wonderful 
woman she was!!!

Sure enough, as we were parking the Nissan, someone came up to us and escorted 
us inside. Once inside, he said, "Have a nice evening and hope you might be 
lucky and meet with 
Mr. Rahman". We shook his hand and thanked him for his help and kindness, 
realising that the receptionist had told him all about us!

Making our way between Porsches, Lamborghinis and other top marque cars, we 
headed for the entrance and asked the security staff – in the politest way – 
where the Reception was. "Could I see your tickets please", the security guy 
asked. Instead of showing him, I told him the entire story about our contact 
with the lady receptionist and our break-neck drive from Netherlands. He 
replied that while he recognised that we were devoted fans of A R Rahman, we 
could not enter without tickets but said that he would check with his colleague 
in Reception.

I told Dinesh that even if we failed to get in, we shouldn't feel too bad, as 
we had tried our hardest for our Guruji. Dinesh agreed with me but said that we 
should not lose faith. I agreed.

The security guard returned and said, "You guys are really lucky as they have 
had two cancellations". Dinesh and I could hardly believe what the guy was 
telling us. Wow…could it really be happening? He opened the door and took us 
through to Reception, where I noticed the clock showed 8.50p.m. – 10 minutes to 
the interval! Then I heard a voice asking, "Are you the two guys who `phoned me 
from the Netherlands?" It was our `guardian angel' and we told her, "Yes, we 
are the guys" and thanked her for all her help and kindness. She laughed and 
told us how lucky we were, handing us the two tickets. The security guard 
showed us to a waiting area and told us that in a few minutes, the place would 
be full of famous people. 

I told Dinesh how grateful I was to him for getting us here. "Yeah, yeah", he 
said, "But now, we have to ask someone where our `hero' is, in this vast 
place". Big screens were showing live telecast but it was already 9.00p.m. and 
people were quietly making their way to the waiting area – where we were 

I recognised some of the programme organisers, and I approached one of them and 
said, "Hello sir, we have come from the Netherlands and would like to see Mr. A 
R Rahman". "Hmm", he replied, "You have missed the first part of the programme 
when `A R' received the award for Best Song of the Year". "We just need to know 
where we can see him, even from a distance", I replied. The programme organiser 
told us that at that moment, `A R' and other VIPs were having their photographs 
taken but that he couldn't let us into the VIP area. However, he showed us the 
entrance where the second part of the ceremony would take place and said we 
would definitely meet `A R' if he decided to stay for the second session.

I switched on my iPhone, keeping my eyes on the people coming out of the VIP 
lounge with only one hope in my heart…that our Guruji would come through that 
door! As I stood there, my nerves were once again at breaking point – like a 
student waiting for his exam results. It was 9.40p.m. and the second part of 
the ceremony would be starting in just another 20 minutes.

After a few minutes, I saw someone in a blue coat and I called to Dinesh to 
Yeahhhhhh it was the man himself…

…the golden moment in my life
…the moment I had waited 13 years for
…the only humble face I had wanted to see in my whole life

…the Mozart of Asia
…the music miracle
…The One and Only A R Rahman

Yes, he was coming to the entrance for the second part of the ceremony. He is 
just 15 metres away from us. I said to Dinesh, "Oh man, I can't believe this" – 
my whole body was shaking!

As his eyes met ours, I greeted him in the traditional Tamil way by saying, 
"Vanakkam Sir", shaking his hand with one of my trembling ones, my other hand 
over my heart. Although overcome by my feelings at meeting my hero, I was 
strongly aware of how much I missed my sister, in India.

When we looked at each other and I took in his humble face, I felt that I was 
on another planet or, maybe even in Heaven!

I knew that Guruji had little time, as he had to return to the concert hall for 
the 2nd part of the show, but I asked him, "Sir, is it possible for me to have 
a photo taken with you?" Without a second thought, and in his typically humble 
way, he said, "Ya, sure".

Although I was thinking that a photo of me with my Guru would provide enough 
pleasure for the rest of my life, I still couldn't stop thinking about my 
sister. I am the only one who knows how much she adores Guru Ji and how much 
she would have loved to be with me at that time. Still, I thought, "one day, 
she too will meet our hero."

Dinesh and I posed with the great man, while our photos were taken. Photos, 
which undoubtedly, will be the most memorable in my life! Then we had to bid 
our hero "goodbye" as the ceremony organisers and security staff was waiting to 
escort him back to the concert hall for the second session.

After this `golden moment' many other unexpected things happened but not as 
important as when I met our dearest Guruji.

Dear Rahmaniacs, I know all of you dream of the day when you will meet our 
dearest Guruji.

After waking up each day, I used to wonder if this would be the day that I 
would see my hero, and that thought always gave me an indescribably good 

Finally I met him! 

So my advice to everyone is, "Stay confident and Keep The Faith…one day, you 
will all meet him!"








Farshad N
Mob: 055-2660114








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