Very well put up.

When it come to ARR everything must be world class.

Think of any other shows put up by DNA for International artists like
Enrique, L.P etc. I don't know the standard of that shows, but the
promotions and set up seems fine rather than Jai Ho Concerts.

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 9:40 PM, in2mindstation <>wrote:

> Some more from another fan:
> * The sound and volume - For an event like this, people come expecting to
> HEAR the sound and enjoy - everyone cant be near the stage to see but sure
> everyone can HEAR THE SOUND clearly?
> After the show started I was simply hoping anyone of the organisers would
> come and stand amidst the crowd and get to know how low the volume was.
> Midway through the show the volume improved but the system was nothing to
> boast of.
> * ARR thanked the musicians at the end of the show..nice..Wouldnt it be be
> good to see the musicians who play the songs onstage? Atleast on video
> screen? It was always the dancers and singers on stage.
> Agree this is a more general one applicable to many of the televised
> music programmes -
> For the DD 50 years Delhi show, Stephen was introduced as the keyboardist
> but after that there was no sight of him. Not even once. Playing keyboards
> is not some easy thing.
> Though there were shortcomings I ENJOYED THE SHOW TO THE HILT! IT WAS MY
> --- In <>,
> "iucaa_hari" <iucaa_h...@...> wrote:
> >
> > I paid 2000 Rs of my hard earned money to watch this show. I am huge AR
> Rahman fan and have seen two more of his live shows.
> > I am used to the substandard level of service that is offered in India.
> Any kind of service. We don't have proper facilities anywhere in this
> country to hold an event together for any number more than twenty thousand
> people. For example Internation Cricket matches played in India. Have you
> been to any? No stadium in India can boast of a descent parking facility for
> ten thousand cars(now if you have a stadium for 50K people you would need it
> right?). TO be able to park conviniently and to take it of and leave easily
> itself is not possible. Let alone expect reserved seating, hygienic and
> versatile top of the line snacks and toilet facilities. All this for the
> richest cricketing body in the world.
> >
> > Now coming back to the AR Rahman show, the organisers are purely cashing
> in on AR Rahman's market to make money. Rapport Global thinks that if the
> Stage and the SOund is good(sound has always had a problem, since the my
> first show in 2004) then they are world class. Its just a plug-in-plug-out
> stage and organiser needs to understand that stage alone does not determine
> if the show is "world class".
> >
> > I have a few questions proping up in my mind.
> > (1) For a Brand like Rahman why do you need to coloborate with MARG to
> donate funds for AR Rahman foundation and Sakhti Foundation.
> > Even if Rahman had done the show directly for Shakthi, the money would
> have come. Was collaborating with MARG so essential, taking 50K odd people
> for a 12 hour pacakage(total time to travel to-and-fro).
> >
> > (2) People pay money for the event that is promised. Not to see MARG
> advertising it self to 50K tired people(remember we are told no water
> bottles allowed but later everybody seemed to have one and people like me
> who adhere to ruled were idiots). When the program was promised to start at
> 6:30 PM why dint they start atleast after the MARG PR excercise. From 7:00
> to 7:25 people were sitting like idiots. Tired and Hungry.
> >
> > (3) Extremely unproffessional not to have a Anchor for a show of this
> magnitude. Imagine 50 K people waiting and there is no show anchor, no
> introduction to songs, singers. Shocking.
> > Most of the Junta dint know that AR was singing Fiqrana or what. Please
> organise more professionally. Introduce singers and Pieces. Treat the
> audience with respect.
> >
> > (4) The way back was another chaos with buses waiting in queque to leave
> the areana. The wait was for more than an hour. People sitting on the floor
> of the bus and what not. I reached home at 3 AM. Can't See a good reason why
> only MARG could do this.
> >
> > (5) The barricades dont work!!! I paid for my ticket but I sat or rather
> stood with people who dont seem to have paid or many of the people with 300
> hundred rupee tickets landed in this part of the arena. The screens were not
> clear at all.
> >
> > That for the arrangments, to the music part. This sequence of songs has
> already been heard t the Times of India launch in Chennai Last year. The
> "Jaage hain" start and move to Khal Bali. Unless you have a fresher approach
> what was the need to do the same thing again. If Rahman wants to mix songs
> and does not want the language to be barrier that is great. ALthough many
> complained about Telugu(was it a dress rehearsal for the Hyd show?) and
> Hindi songs being played to a largely tamil audience, am ok as long as they
> take you thru the song by introducing it and taking people along. Certainly
> not the way it was done. Mr. Rahman has also moved away from the keyboards
> to being only a singer on the show. He dint seem as intersted as his earlier
> shows. But very kind and generouse himself. Did the backup singing for Maula
> when Javed ALi was singing and also wished everyone a safe journey back
> home.
> >
> > I am just as big a AR Rahman fan as many of you. But dissapointed by the
> quality of the show. In online to Rahman if you are listening "respect the
> audience".
> >
> > If gopal or any other Rahman Army people are listening to this. Try to
> change a few things.
> >

Farshad N
Mob: 055-2660114 <>

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