
--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "nadeem2235" <nadeem2...@...> wrote:
>                           we should call u  Dr Ichord
> --- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "ichord" <purevibz@> wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to come up with an analogy to our collective relationship
> with a new ARR album and I think I found one.
> >
> > With an arranged marriage, as many of you have probably experienced,
> you meet your partner, talk, you try to get to know each other, but it's
> awkward at first....you may have some doubts, fears, and in some cases,
> you may not like the person at all. But, over time, once familiarity
> takes over, and if you give that person a chance, MOST OF THE TIME, your
> love for that person will grow, and grow, based on a deeper
> understanding and appreciation of the person....understanding the finer
> qualities It's a love not based on infatuation or artificial traits, but
> grows gradually under patience and time.
> >
> > Now, I will make a few word substitutions and try to recreate the same
> paragraph.....
> >
> > With a new ARR album, as many of you have probably experienced, you
> buy it/download it, listen to it, and try to get to know it better, but
> it's awkward at first.....you may have some doubts, fears, and in some
> cases you may not like the album at all. But over time, once familiarity
> takes over, and if you give that album a chance, MOST OF THE TIME, your
> love for that album will grow and grow, based on a deeper understanding
> and appreciation of the album....understanding the finer qualities. It's
> a love not based on first impression only or surface gloss, but grows
> gradually under patience and time.
> >

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