Nice idea, but I don't like this comparison for the only reason that in 
arranged marriage and with our indian culture you don't have any other option 
than to force to love the person you married, to adjust things and to change 
yourself for suitability. 

Please be sure that I don't criticized our culture or arranged marriages, but I 
prefer love marriage. With love marriage you know who and what to expect, the 
exciting thing in arranged marriage can be the surprise fact, but it can also 
be a bad surprise and then it is too late. Being indian and a responsible human 
being, we can only continue to accept and force to love the person...


Having said that, I don't like the comparison because when I listen to our boss 
new album, I never forced myself to like it. ARR songs are so excellent that 
even people who decided to criticize his songs end-up liking it.


Jai ho!

from Serge


Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 13:00:03 +0530
Subject: Re: [arr] Relationship with a new ARR album is like an arranged 


Your write-ups are like an ARR album...We were waiting to read your write-ups 
like waiting to hear VTV...Now both have come...We enjoy both equally!...A 
creative comparison below, well put! Thanks!!

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 10:42 PM, ichord <> wrote:


I'm trying to come up with an analogy to our collective relationship with a new 
ARR album and I think I found one.

With an arranged marriage, as many of you have probably experienced, you meet 
your partner, talk, you try to get to know each other, but it's awkward at may have some doubts, fears, and in some cases, you may not like 
the person at all. But, over time, once familiarity takes over, and if you give 
that person a chance, MOST OF THE TIME, your love for that person will grow, 
and grow, based on a deeper understanding and appreciation of the 
person....understanding the finer qualities It's a love not based on 
infatuation or artificial traits, but grows gradually under patience and time.

Now, I will make a few word substitutions and try to recreate the same 

With a new ARR album, as many of you have probably experienced, you buy 
it/download it, listen to it, and try to get to know it better, but it's 
awkward at may have some doubts, fears, and in some cases you may 
not like the album at all. But over time, once familiarity takes over, and if 
you give that album a chance, MOST OF THE TIME, your love for that album will 
grow and grow, based on a deeper understanding and appreciation of the 
album....understanding the finer qualities. It's a love not based on first 
impression only or surface gloss, but grows gradually under patience and time.

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