Srini... many thanks to you.... for sharing the links... it seems Australia
concert is one of the best Rahman concerts.... also very surprised to find
MLU performance for Sajna.... like a male whitney houston voice....


2010/1/17 Srini Santhanam <>

>   Friends,
> I've uploaded further 3 parts under the link below. (Including Khwaja &
> Ariziyan in Part 4)
> The quality is slightly better than Part 1 of the video. Will return with
> the remaining parts soon.
> Cheers,
> Srini
> Begin forwarded message:
>   *From: *Srini Santhanam <>
> *Date: *January 17, 2010 10:13:31 AM SST
>  *To: *ARRahmanfans <>
> *Subject: **Fwd: Jai Ho! Sydney Concert*
>  Friends,
> Here's the starting 20 minutes of the Jai Ho Concert! I have the entire
> concert recorded but now that many of the videos are already out, let me
> know if any performance is missing and i will have them posted on online.
> Cheers,
> Srini
> Begin forwarded message:
>  *From: *Srini Santhanam <>
> *Date: *January 16, 2010 8:03:45 PM SST
> *To: *ARRahmanfans <>
> *Subject: **Jai Ho! Sydney Concert*
> Hey Friends,
> What an incredible concert! I hope everyone enjoyed it. For those who
> couldn't catch it, i have recorded the entire concert and will try to post
> in online. Any recommendation on where videos can be uploaded other than
> Youtube? The concert is more than 2 hours and youtube only lets you load 10
> minute videos.
> AR sang a lot of songs.. strangely, he didnt remember the lyrics for almost
> all the tamil songs he sang :( The overall presentation of the concert was
> great! I wish i had been there. Glad atleast i could watch it online.
> Jai Ho!
> Srini

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