Man you stole my words. I too feel exactly the same. I would definitely
agree that the life of a song during the cassette player days was much

Love ARR

On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 9:08 PM, Farzad Khaleel ♥ <>wrote:

> I was just wondering about the impact of Ipods and Portable Mp3 players on
> the life of music. Earlier days, when I did own a cassette of Pukar and One
> two ka four, I only get a chance to hear the songs only when I go before
> school and after coming back. So one track is played twice a day. Taking
> that case, I have continuously listened to that songs for more than 6 months
> [Even after the release of some other AR's album], and didn't get carried
> away or get bored.
> As days passed by modern technologies such as iPods came in a normal play
> count for a song of VTV is more than 300 per track. And yeah, am afraid the
> life of the songs are less compared to those olden days. Dont know whether
> everyone thinks like this way.
> Love.
> --
> Farzad Khaleel

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