that is true.
and is exactly what our parents/ grand parents used to say.
they might have listened to a good song 20 times in 10 years !!! all on

so its not really the number of times it is played or the number of years it
is played..
but also the emotional impact it creates on the listener.
ARR is not the musical 'Storm' without a reason :) and i never get bored of
any of his music.

On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 10:38 AM, Farzad Khaleel ♥ <>wrote:

> I was just wondering about the impact of Ipods and Portable Mp3 players on
> the life of music. Earlier days, when I did own a cassette of Pukar and One
> two ka four, I only get a chance to hear the songs only when I go before
> school and after coming back. So one track is played twice a day. Taking
> that case, I have continuously listened to that songs for more than 6 months
> [Even after the release of some other AR's album], and didn't get carried
> away or get bored.
> As days passed by modern technologies such as iPods came in a normal play
> count for a song of VTV is more than 300 per track. And yeah, am afraid the
> life of the songs are less compared to those olden days. Dont know whether
> everyone thinks like this way.
> Love.
> --
> Farzad Khaleel


"All you need to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to you"
- Gandalf the Gray.

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