Dinesh, you covered all the important points!!! Great analysis!!!!  Totally 

For me, his music makes me feel things that no other musician or artist can 
make me feel.....  I think his music comes down to emotions....beyond 
wizzardry, technical genius....it's the feelings generated within the listener 
that are most important and to me is the number one reason why ARR's music is 
such a global rage....his music is full of concentrated emotions and touches 
your heart.  So, I would say points 7 and 8 in your list are the main reasons 
why his music is so loved throughout the world.

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "DineshVaidya" <dnshvai...@...> wrote:
> Instead of trying to be the JUDGE of ARR's hardwork as some of us are doing, 
> i will try to look into various reasons which makes ARR's music click always. 
> Do add your points if you have your own reasons / analysis....
> 1. ARR is constantly trying new Genre for his music as diverse as Spanish 
> (Latin), Arabic, folk, classical,... &.... & . He has not typecasted himself 
> into only one or two genre.
> 2. His music is layered, multyphonic and not just stereo so everytime I 
> listen the songs, I find something new. He does not follow a fixed pattern, 
> his music is more like Jazz.
> 3. He gives chance to fresh talent, is not afraid of trying new voice or 
> instruments so each song has a distinct identity and there is no 
> repetitiveness.
> 4. He works hard on his typical sound "Rahman sound" so whennever I hear even 
> a bit of his song somewhere, there is instant recollection.
> 5. He is a genuinely talented and humble fellow who minds his own work and 
> stays into his core area of competence. So you don't associate ARR with 
> controversies.
> 6. He listens to feedback especially from fans and ( I am told ) takes 
> corrective actions if required.
> 7. His songs ( not all, but most of them ) have a touch of sadness / a hint 
> of melancholy and that is something unique, it makes his music very very 
> special.
> 8. Being a spiritual person, he structures his music on spirituality and thus 
> it goes straight to heart.
> What's your view ?
> Jai HO !
> Dinesh Vaidya
> The Wandering Souls "Rahmania"
> Pune

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