On 8/26/2010 3:25 PM India Time, _Gomzy™_ wrote:

> Its really unfair for people to come up with reasons or technicalities
> as to why they dont like an album. Its like tell me in specific details
> why you like this album so much. Cuz it touches you, you like it. If it
> doesnt you wont.

Gomzy, seems we disagree again on this also.

I think after 18 years of association of a fan with ARR, it becomes 
imperative on the fan to introspect what is in this song/ album that 
he is not liking, when he has liked some 100 albums and 1000 songs of 
the man.

Whoever does that introspection with feel relieved himself, on finding 
the specific point about the song/ album that are not to his own 
liking. This way, he retains confidence that it is the genre that he 
is not liking, and he still likes ARR phenomenon and he will like 
ARR's next album whenever ARR gives songs in the genre that the fan likes.

ARR has given us unbounded divine pleasure 100 times with his albums.

What we have given him back?

What can we give him back?

I think we can give him back an honest feedback of our views and 
feeling on his albums instead of an unbalanced hype or endless criticism.


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