Don't worry about it, Fameeb. Enthiran is something which can be regarded as 
avant-garde- it may not be everyone's choice of music but it's definitely very 
experimental and unconventional. There's no need to feel sad or hurt for not 
liking it. Who knows, maybe you'll enjoy the songs once you watch it on screen. 
And even if that doesn't work, just wait for ARR's next albums. I'm sure you'll 
find what you're looking for in them. Take care :))

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 12:43 PM, fameeb mohd <> wrote:


Dear Fellow Rahmaniacs,
I am feeling really low after hearing the songs from ENDHIRAN. 
Always, whenever, our BOSS songs are released, I used to hear all the songs in 
a continuous loop. I used to adore some songs and love to keep listening to the 
other songs. 
My friends used to get fed up of me talking/raving about the new release of 
ARR. Our BOSS music used to give me a chance to visualise beautiful imageries 
based solely on his music. It used to play continuously in my mind , even when 
the player is turned off.   
But ENDHIRAN has crashed me. I had to stop playing those songs and that hurt me 
a lot. 
Never before in my life, I have been so disappointed about our ARR music. 
I am really SAD. The songs did not have that soul connecting quality, in other 
words, the music did not connect with me. The songs did not have the stand 
alone quality.  
May be the movie demanded such songs. May be, my expectation were much higher 
for a Shankar- ARR movie. 
I am really praying that my perspective changes after watching the movie. 
But for the time being, I can’t stand ARR song, for the first time ever.
And I am HURT & SAD. 
But believe me friends, I am trying really hard. However , forcing oneself does 
not give genuine pleasure . 
Your fellow rahmaniac, 







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