Moderator would surely allow you. Keep posting at the time of new releases.
Would be handy ;)

On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 9:56 PM, Mohan Devanand <> wrote:

> PLEASE for GOD'S sake try to avoid immature,unfair criticism on ARR'S
> mostly brilliant repertoire till now. To keep on posting only to start a
> debate or just to seek a few peoples attention ,has become a habit with some
> so called music lovers.You are entitled to your opinion, you have all the
> right to express it but ,people who are sane and occupied with some useful
> work may not have all the time to indulge in such absurd debates.
> Somebody trying to degrade a splendid musical masterpiece [what ever it is]
> approved and celebrated by the majority including many noted critics all
> over the world,only expose themselves as a sick clown. ARR is not a GOD,nor
> a complete authority in music to turn every attempt of his into
> gold.Nevertheless ,he has proved time and again as an absolute genius . His
> work is unarguably a league apart,eminently superior than his counterparts
> as well as his predecessors.The biggest problem with us is,we tend to pull
> down a person who is successful beyond a certain extent ,for no reason.If we
> were to name a few extremely talented persons who have extensive
> international recognition,in all categories,ARR will be in the fore
> front.Moreover that list is absolutely short as you can find only a very few
> in this country.Indians who have achieved tremendously by innovating,
> recognized by highest forums like NOBEL committee, have been NRI's
> mostly.This country has little place for real achievers, be it sports or
> science.A SACHIN or ARR happen very rarely. If you are not satisfied with
> people like them,fine ,you should be a genius ,so kindly spare them and
> allow them to stay here and bring more laurels to this country. Please let
> us not allow ARR to do a PANDIT RAVISHANKER. thank you
> your's respectfully
> PS; hope the moderator allows this .

Farzad Khaleel

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