
From: Gopal Srinivasan <catchg...@gmail.com>
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, September 3, 2010 11:17:40 PM
Subject: Re: [arr] How is ARR feeling?

Don't you worry, just as all the praise and adulation does not affect him, this 
will not either

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 14:50, AJ <purev...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>I am truly hoping and praying that ARR is not too affected emotionally by what 
>is happening in the media and all the negativity being said against his CWG 
>and now him and his music in general.  Anyone close to ARR just tell us in 
>how he's handling all of this?  I am concerned about him, his feelings, how 
>taking all of this.  I just hope he's realizing a lot of this has to do with 
>dirty politics and media hype and that the country is not against him.  
>a smart man, he's in touch.....he has his strong faith....he has his music..he 
>has his family and friends who are loyal...he has his fans who are 
>just hope he's not too hurt and that he can move forward and keep making great 
>music to shut up everyone. 
>I love ARR's music, but honestly speaking, I love ARR the man more....like my 
>brother.  I would die to save his life.....I'm serious.  I know that sounds 
>melodramatic and out there, but that's how I truly feel.  I can't even begin 
>describe how much he's contributed to my life in a positive way.  I feel like 
>I'm spiritually connected to him in some way.  A lot of ARR fans probably feel 
>the same way.
>I truly feel sad and disgusted by what's going on.



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