And on the topic of "driving away someone who could be a valuable

Sometimes responders get blasted by other responders for not posting the
best technical answer. Let's remember that not all listers have been to the
latest delta class or the PTnT class or (insert class of choice here) that
we just went to. They might be a couple of versions behind us and might not
yet have that knowledge of what the latest and greatest rev can do. They may
have limited knowledge of a 3rd party integration. Or knew somebody who knew
somebody who tried something. Heck, they just may not be as bright. Whatever
the situation, it doesn't matter. When somebody posts a question and they
get a response from a person who is version/training challenged, let's take
that into consideration. If that response was:

1) One of several possible ways to get the job done (even if not the best
2) Appropriate for the version the responder is on (even though there are
more efficient ways to do it now)

Then don't chop them off at the knees. You have somebody trying to help and
they then get publicly humiliated by somebody that wants to pump up their
ego/image. When that happens, I doubt we'll get many more posts from that
responder. We might try responding with a "that's one way to do it, but I
found this works better" approach vs. a "That's NOT the way to do it and I
can't believe you even posted it" approach.

I've seen that type of thing happen before and thought the mention of it fit
into the overall tone of this thread.

Tim Powell

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Woyton
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 2:47 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: OT- Lazy posters

On balance, I agree with Claire completely - consultants *should* know their
stuff up and down.

As to basic questions on the list, however, I disagree to the extent that
participation is optional. As an alternative to "RTFM" - if someone asks a
super-basic/lazy question of the list and no one responds, it tends to force
them to look elsewhere if the answer is important at all.

Sometimes a polite response of "Server Config Guide - pg 48" is enough to
get the point across. Barring that, questions that push the boundaries of
laziness should be met with silence, IMHO, and not scolding. If you don't
want to answer a question, then don't. Whoever asked will eventually get a
clue that effort is expected on their part first before coming to their
peers. Better this than souring a newbie on the list and driving away
someone who could be a valuable resource.

My $.02. :P


"Sanford, Claire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 OK, you guys keep throwing my name into this... So I feel like I should  at
least make some comment...
 Here it is. 
 If you are a consultant, someone who bills another company for your  time,
regardless of where you are from and what your background is...
 You should know your stuff, you should know far more than the basics and
you should have read the manuals/pdfs at some point in your Remedy  career. 
 If you are an employee of a company, you hopefully have access to  manuals
and pdf files and Remedy support.  Hopefully, when you took the  job as
Remedy Admin/Developer, you took the time to read the manuals.  
 I have asked many questions on this list over the years.  I will confess
that 1 out of 10 times, I may not have read the manual fully or didn't
fully understand the concept before asking the question.  BUT, I never
presented myself to my employer or anyone else as being an expert, so I
think it is ok.
 Where Phil is concerned, I have hired Phil as a consultant and have
learned a lot from him over the years.  Both for a fee and for FREE.
 What he gives to the Remedy community in invaluable.  The same goes for
Rick.  I've never hired him (he lives to far away), but have learned a  lot
from him too!  Then there is Gidd.  Never hired him, but any time I  have
ever asked him a question either on or off the list, I get an  insightful
 All that being said... There are some people on this list that are
consultants, that appear not to have been trained properly and appear  not
to have bothered reading the manuals/pdf files or the ARSList FAQ.
 They do no give any indication of who they are and where they work
(Identify yourself), they do no give any indication of their environment
(Identify your system) and they ask some very basic questions.  Heck, I  can
even answer some of them.
 This is a fantastic community.  We share all kinds of information.
 Humor.  Life events and more.  Sometimes things touch a nerve or rub one
of us the wrong way and threads like this go one until Dan shuts it  down...
Oh Dan??????? 
 So, before you ask what an Active Link is or how to do a Push Fields
action, read the manual/pdf. 
 That is my .02 
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick Cook
 Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 10:24 AM
 To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 Subject: OT: Lazy posters
 Preach it, brother!  I'm not the admin, nor am I Claire (there could  only
one Claire!), so I'll let others admonish people like Carl to  actually
contribute something before insulting longtime and substantial  contributors
like Phil.
 But Phil and Gidd are right, and it's high time for some people to get a
wake-up call with a clue-by-4.
 ** DISCLAIMER **  This does NOT apply to about 98% of the posters to  this
list.  This is not telling newbies "Go away".  This is not an  attempt to
scare anyone away.  My stated comments are my own.
 Here's the progression, for those apparently new to such processes.
 1) You encounter a problem with a Remedy product.
 2) You try to fix it yourself.
 3) You seek help from your co-workers (if any).
 4) You read the manuals and check the Remedy KB to see if there's some
tidbit of information that might help with that process.
 5) Repeat steps 2-4 at least until the most apparent solutions have been
 6) You contact Remedy Support and/or the list.
 7) You (probably) receive help from Remedy Support and/or the list.
 The ARSList is here to help people who have first made a substantial
effort to help themselves.  It is intended to be an aid to, not a
substitute for, learning how to do your job.  While we were all newbies  at
some point, and we don't mind helping other newbies gain experience,  there
are a few people, including several from an offshore organization,  who have
shown a consistent pattern of asking basic questions to the  list instead of
taking the time to read the manuals provided with the  product, and to
actually grow their skills beyond that of newbie.
 Were I one of these few individuals, or an employee of this  organization,
I would hope that I would do what most posters do here -  display to the
rest of my professional community that I had the skills  and initiative to
at least learn to code my way out of a wet paper bag  with a map, a knife,
and a flashlight.  Remedy isn't THAT hard to learn.
 Executive Summary: Please respect the time of those who are trying to  help
others by trying to help yourself first.
 Sergeant-at-Arms:  Haul these miscreants away...  :)
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gidd Calden
 Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 7:12 AM
 To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 Subject: Re: Pager Notifications.
 Do you mean that physically or verbally ?  
 In defense of Phil, and he needs no defense, he makes a good Point. 
 While it is often easier to ask a question on the list, perhaps  that
should be preceded by the requestor's research including looking at  a
manual once in awhile.  There are more then a few listers that have a
tendency to ask a question and then wait for the reply and not do any  self
help on their side....  YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ! 
 Claire, chime in here if I am to far out in left field?  Doh !!
 Has Remedy stopped shipping pdf guides, manuals and reference materials
 My .02
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Carl Reenus
 Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 5:40 AM
 To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 Subject: Re: Pager Notifications.
 Ha, what an ass!
 >Reply-To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 >To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 >Subject: Re: Pager Notifications.
 >Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 23:05:45 -0400
 >Got a manual?  Ever read it?  Been to training?  We have, try it.
 >-----Original message-----
 >From: Mallikharjunudu_Chidella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 >Date: Mon,  8 May 2006 22:36:21 -0400
 >To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 >Subject: Pager Notifications.
 >:-) Hi list,
 >:-) SLA have 2 notification one is "Email" and the other is "Pager". 
 >:-) Notification can be created using "Send Alert or Email" and for
>pager we :-) should use "Send Page or Run Process" option to create  >pager
:-) notification through command line statement to send a page or
 >run an :-) executable.
 >:-) Can you please let me know about the command line statement to be
 >:-) in the "Send Page or Run Process" for the pager notification.
 >:-) Thanks in  advance. :o)
 >:-) Thanks
 >:-) Malli
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 >:-) the intended recipient/s and may contain material that is
 >:-) AND PRIVATE COMPANY INFORMATION. Any review or reliance by others  >or
 >:-) copying or distribution or forwarding of any or all of the contents
 >:-) this message is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you are not the intended
 >:-) recipient, please contact the sender by email and delete all  >copies;
:-) your cooperation in this regard is appreciated.
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