Hi Carey,

I was talking about Patch 001 of ARS 7.0.00...sorry, should have stated that 
clearly. I haven't had the chance to test this on an un-patched version of 

I agree...this will be a problem, especially for customers with "home grown" 
My use of the word "enhancement" was taken from the reply I received from Remedy
Support after raising this as what I perceive to be an issue.

The real problem here is not so much that the underlying behaviour of AR Server 
changed. The issue is more that this hasn't been documented anywhere as far as 
I can
see... we stumbled across this one by accident as this change has broken code 
in one
of our legacy apps. If we had known this was coming, then we could budget for 
time to make sure we re-code where necessary. I'm now very concerned about how 
more undocumented "enhancements" BMC have included in this release that I might 
find until Test Day...

One more "gotcha" that we've found earlier today is to do with Diary fields. In 
7.0.00 Patch 001, you will receive an error if a Diary Field is set to NULL by a
Filter. In my ARS 6.3 Patch 013 environment, this is allowed and nothing is 
to the Diary Field.

There has been no enhancement to the options for qualification matching in Set
Fields in ARS 7.0.00 that I have noticed.


> Chris,
> Are you talking about v7.0.0 or v7.0.0 patch1 ?
> This kind of a "problem", I would think, would be a major issue for
> customers. (The Set field action does not have a "do nothing option"
> the last time I looked at it. Has that also been enhanced in v7?)
> --
> Carey Matthew Black
> Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
> ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)
> Solution = People + Process + Tools
> Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.
> Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by incompetence.
> On 7/18/06, Chris Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Greetings All,
>>   For anybody currently running with ARS 7.0, or about to upgrade to ARS 7.0,
>> here's
>> a brief "heads up" regarding a change to the behaviour of the AR Server when
>> validating Required Fields for a form.
>> In Older versions of ARS, a Filter could legally set a required Field to 
>> NULL as a
>> result of a Set Fields action reading from another form, defined to "Set 
>> fields to
>> NULL" if there are no matching requests. A Filter with a higher execution 
>> order
>> could then set the Required Field to a specific value if desired...it was up 
>> to
>> the
>> developer to control this.
>> In Version 7.0 ARS, this has changed, though I don't think its been 
>> documented in
>> the Release Notes:
>> You will now receive an immediate error the instant a Required Field is 
>> reset to
>> NULL by any means. This means that if you have code as in the example above, 
>> your
>> second Filter doesn't get to fire to set the value to whatever you want it 
>> to be
>> if
>> the first filter didn't find a match, as the server has already thrown an 
>> error
>> and
>> stopped workflow processing.
>> This has been a "gotcha" for us whilst upgrading a legacy 5.1.2 system to 7.0
>> Just thought I would share this with the community as I've had lots of "fun" 
>> with
>> this today.
>> Cheers
>> Chris.
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