Title: MidTier 6.3 Windows 2003 -> RPC Procedure unavailable

Hello list,

we are running with Window Server 2003 SP1, IIS6 and Remedy v6.3.

At MidTier we are facing the "RPC Procedure unavailable" issue from time to time ... when running a Google search I noticed some posting that said that when running the patcher and applying all available fixes, that the issue was then gone.

Unfortunately we can't do that with application fixes and therefore have to name specific Hotfix / KB entries which fix that behaviour and can then apply this specific patch.

I was wondering if anyone has more insights on that error, or may even know which hotfix needs to be applied for fixing this RPC failure.

The ones I have digged up so far (but not installed yet) are these :

We will also run a check to list what KB / Hotfixe could be applied at the server at all and dig through them.

If anyone has an insight on that one, thank you.

Best greetings, Robert

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