** Dear Neil,
               Its actually quite simple...You run a AL guide on the selected rows. The AL in the guide should run the set field action to set the column values to the hidden fields. the only trick is that the AL guide should run on selected rows and the table should only allow single selection. Hope this helps.

Roney Samuel Varghese

On 9/22/06, Sullivan, Neil G CTR USAF AFRL/SNOX <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

What should be such an easy process seems to be kicking my backside.  Here's my problem:

I have a table with several records.  I have several hidden fields to capture the request id from each row in the table.  I need to run a table loop to set these hidden fields for each row so I can then do a DDE push to an Excel template.

I have been able to make it work for the first row, but how do I make it select each row and set the fields?

I'm running Windows 2003 server, Oracle 9i, and ARS 6.0.1, patch 1420.

Any help is appreciated.

Neil "Sully" Sullivan
Remedy Developer/Administrator
Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433

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