  I am trying to get in Marimba data into the Remedy system through EIE.
  When I run the data exchange to bring in Application data, it gives me the 
following error:
  Role 2 instance does not exist.  The Class Id and Instance Id combination was 
not found. Class Id: BMC_PRODUCT, Instance Id: ID0*************************CsA  
 (ARERR 120040)
  When I check the log file, I could see that, it tries to find a match against 
BMC:Product form. Can you please tell me the relationship between these two 
forms – BMC:BMC_Application and BMC:BMC_Product? When I bring in a new record 
into Application, why does it validate against Product? If I turn off the 
validation and forcefully bring in Application data, am I bringing in the 
corrupted data?

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