Where is there a difference in the time to create the next ID
It is not like the database goes 1+1+1+1+1+1…   with a save to the file each 

My db bottleneck was pure ARS workflow.  Legal required an audit trail on some 
15 fields of the main form.  One user doing an update on the main form could 
then generate 15 new child records in an audit table.  Multiply that by 200 
users and you get a possibility of 3000 new records at a given time for a 
single table.  Actual results in the SQL.log showed that in a 5 minute 
timeframe the Set NEXTID was called for the audit table 23 times when the size 
was set to 20 (460 new records in the audit table in 5 minutes from 1 ARS 
server).  Bumping the size to 100 eliminated the Oracle db_lock contention 

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Rick Cook
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 7:27 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG<mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG>
Subject: Re: What's the NextId?

Abhijeet, my results were repeated and conclusive.  Here is the only logical 
explanation for my findings that makes sense:

There is a time cost to the DB call for Entry IDs.  The cost increases 
incrementally the more that are requested at once.  The thought is that 100 
individual requests will take substantially more time than retrieving 100 IDs 
in one request.  That thought has been proven to be correct - it's why the 
feature was added. However, the difference in time was tested against a system 
that had multiple sources (NMS) attempting to grab multiple Entry IDs at the 
same time, not a normal system without those multiple outside requests, because 
it was the first environment that was reporting the problem with performance.

On a system where the volume of IDs is high enough to cause a system bottleneck 
at the DB ID request, which requires multiple simultaneous requests from 
different sources, that bottleneck costs more additional time than is lost by 
the increased time it takes to request multiple IDs at one time.  However, on a 
system that is not bound by the Next ID calls to the DB, or has only a single 
source (AR System) requesting IDs, there is no advantage gained by the multiple 
requests, because the time "gained" by having a cached ID is negligible - too 
small to even notice.  And, as my testing proved (to my surprise), there was an 
increasing net cost to system performance as the number of IDs requested in a 
single call grew.  This must be because the time it takes to gather, say, 100 
records in one call is actually *higher* than it is to do 100 individual calls 
- IF AR System is the only source of those calls.  The simple correlation is 
that if AR System is the only thing generating new Request ID requests to the 
DB, you don't need, and will not benefit from, a number larger than 1.  If you 
have multiple outside entities creating large number of records at once, you 
very well may benefit from it.

My tests that showed decreasing performance as the Next Id block grew were 
creating about 1.5 million records, but, and this is important - all were from 
the same source - AR System workflow.  There were no other simultaneous demands 
on the table, and few on the system.  Therefore, the system of generating one 
ID at a time had a cumulatively lower transaction time than it did when it had 
to wait for multiples to be retrieved and then allocated individually.  The BMC 
Engineer, who I know to be very smart and experienced with Remedy, had no 
explanation for my results.  I believe this to be that BMC didn't test against 
a control (normal) system, and therefore had no data on its effect on them.

Why then, they chose to recommend that setting to all customers, is a mystery 
to me.

Rick Cook

On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 4:56 PM, Gadgil, Abhijeet 
<abhijeet_gad...@bmc.com<mailto:abhijeet_gad...@bmc.com>> wrote:
Rick, I do not think that is accurate.
Logically, if the block size is 100 then the server will access the DB once to 
retrieve the next block id every 100 records.  If it is 1, then the server goes 
to the DB for every record.
Later cannot be faster.

Further, to answer the original question, returning the next id in an API call 
would mean preventing creation of ids by anyone other than the caller until the 
id has actually been used -- otherwise the information might be obsolete before 
the client receives it. That is the reason for not exposing it via an API


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG<mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG>] On Behalf Of Rick Cook
Sent: 13 October 2017 02:12
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG<mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG>
Subject: Re: What's the NextId?

Here's the skinny on that.  I got this from the engineer who built that 
feature, btw.

The problem was that system performance was being constricted around the action 
of getting the NextId for a record when multiple sources (say, Netcool and 
HPOV) were throwing tons of requests at the (Incident) form at the same time.  
The process of getting each Next Entry ID in individual DB calls was 
bottlenecking the process of creating the records.  So that's why BMC came up 
with a way to pre-allocate those in bulk, so that only every N times (whatever 
the number is set to) would an actual call to the DB to get Next IDs be 
necessary.  The transaction time to retrieve 1 or 100 wasn't much different, 
and those customers with multiple programs requiring many simultaneous record 
creations saw a marked performance increase.  It was, and is, a good feature 

So (then a miracle occurs) and BMC announces that this particular corner case 
had a solution that everyone should benefit from, and announced that the number 
should be 100 for *all* customers.  I tested this back in 7.6.04 against a RH 
server, with settings at 1, 10, 100, and 1000, and found that performance was 
actually NEGATIVELY affected the higher the number was set.  It wasn't a huge 
difference (10%~), but it was a clear, repeatable one for which BMC's engineer 
had no explanation.  It is why I have always advocated that unless a customer 
has the specific set of circumstances that caused the feature to be beneficial, 
there is no real benefit to setting the number larger than 1.  And there are 
minor drawbacks to doing so, the current subject being one of them.

Every time I ask someone from BMC to justify a larger number to the average 
customer, they repeat the party line, unaware of the history behind the 
feature.  I will continue to tilt at this windmill until someone at BMC shows 
me some performance testing numbers that justify this setting for the entire 
customer base.

On Oct 12, 2017 13:30, "Thomas Miskiewicz" 
<tmisk...@gmail.com<mailto:tmisk...@gmail.com>> wrote:
i.e. there is no hack to find out the nextID before it actually gets submitted?
 Apart from that, I really don’t understand why BMC makes such a fuss around 
the nextID. Why can’t they just provide a special command GET-NEXTID?


On Oct 12, 2017, at 10:26 PM, LJ LongWing 
<lj.longw...@gmail.com<mailto:lj.longw...@gmail.com>> wrote:

There are no interfaces that I'm aware of to ask a specific server what the 
next id it will hand out for a specific form is

On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 2:14 PM, Thomas Miskiewicz 
<tmisk...@gmail.com<mailto:tmisk...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hello List,

with NextID Block size being set to 100 —>  is it possible the find out using 
the API which will be the next Request-ID that the server will assign to a 
request? Or what other options do I have to find out?


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