With it described like that, it sounds like some kind of plugin at work.


On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 8:22 AM LJ LongWing <lj.longw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So, you have a record that can get the attachment no problem, but when you
> look at the DB there is no B or BC entry for the attachment?....if this is
> true then the only way that can possibly be delivered is through the Remedy
> server, meaning it's not stored in the db at all, it's stored in the Remedy
> binaries and delivered as if it existed in the db.
> On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 5:56 PM Ben Chernys <
> ben.cher...@softwaretoolhouse.com> wrote:
>> Hi LJ,
>> The attachment field has both a name and contents.  The GUI can save it
>> no problem (as can Meta-Update now).
>> Both the name and contents are delivered with GetEntry.  GetBLOB returns
>> no entry in database.  There is no record in the B or BC table…
>> > SthMqry -q select * from B140C2000012   where entryid =
>> '000000000000842'
>> 173747.521 i ArQryGet returns 0 records for select * from B140C2000012
>> where entryid = '000000000000842'
>> > SthMsch Report | grep Attach
>>    2000012 Report Attachment Field(Report Definition File)  Attach Max: 0
>> As for no way – of course there’s a way.  It’s called code.  There may be
>> special code for this table.  I have not seen this before in any other
>> table and have saved many attachments from many different tables.
>> Meta-Archive generates HTML with links to the attachments, so it’s been
>> tested on ALL the ITSM modules.  The Report table has not been part of the
>> default Archive configs.
>> Same results with “driver”.
>> I highlighted the file name below in red.
>> Cheers
>> Ben Chernys
>> www.softwaretoolhouse.com
>> *From:* ARSList <arslist-boun...@arslist.org> *On Behalf Of *LJ LongWing
>> *Sent:* October-04-18 3:40 PM
>> *To:* arslist@arslist.org
>> *Subject:* Re: Strange goings on with Attachments in form Report -
>> 9.1.02 (& most probably prior)
>> For each Remedy form there is a T, H, and B tables
>> T - Data
>> H - Status History
>> B - Binary (Attachments)
>> B table is going to have a column for each attachment field, one each for
>> the file name, original file size, compressed file size.
>> For each attachment field there will be an additional table...if your
>> table is 123 and your field id is 543 then your BC table would be
>> B123C543
>> the BC table is the table that contains the actual attachment...
>> So the B table contains the metadata regarding each of the attachments,
>> the BC table contains the ACTUAL attachment....
>> so, you are saying that there is no B entry, but is there a
>> BC?....without the BC the Remedy server would have no way of giving you the
>> contents of the file, without the B it has no way of telling you the name
>> of the file...
>> On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 2:50 PM Ben Chernys <
>> ben.cher...@softwaretoolhouse.com> wrote:
>> Hi LJ,
>> Correct.  The same will be on your system (if you have ITSM and perhaps
>> if you have a whack of languages).
>> The GUI handles it OK (as do I now).
>> What’s a BC table?
>> > SthMqry -q select * from BC140 where c1 = '000000000000842'
>> 144304.453 E ARGetListSQL returned an error 2.  Status messages: 1
>> 144304.453 E ARGetListSQL ==> 2, 552, The SQL database operation failed.
>> ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
>> /Ben
>> *From:* ARSList <arslist-boun...@arslist.org> *On Behalf Of *LJ LongWing
>> *Sent:* October-04-18 2:36 PM
>> *To:* arslist@arslist.org
>> *Subject:* Re: Strange goings on with Attachments in form Report -
>> 9.1.02 (& most probably prior)
>> So, you are saying that you have a record in a table (Report) that's
>> reporting that it has an attachment in an attachment field, but when you go
>> look at the B table it's not showing there?...what about if you look in the
>> BC table?  Is the record there?
>> On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 1:27 PM Ben Chernys <
>> ben.cher...@softwaretoolhouse.com> wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I discovered something curious about attachment fields.  I've never had
>> an attachment field which had a value (ie a file) with a non-null location
>> in a myriad of tables.  I got one such from the Report table.  A type =
>> buffer.  Locations are used when updating attachment fields - or so I had
>> thought.
>> No matter, I was using getblob to create the file even if the buffer was
>> already in memory for another reason (when I had done a getblob to a
>> buffer).
>> I now simply create the file myself when an attachment field comes in
>> “already retried” in a buffer, so there are no problems with this.
>> Presumably, these “special” attachments are identified simply by their
>> non-null attachment location on retrieval.  I would wager that if I update
>> this attachment field, it would transform this record’s attachment into a
>> normal value and a record would be created in the Bxxx table. – I shall do
>> that test shortly.
>> Check out the Report form, there are a few records there with non-null
>> attachment fields AND no record in the Bxxx table.
>> When data is retrieved from those records, the attachment value has a
>> name and the data in a buffer.
>> When an update to an attachment field is made, no matter if a buffer or
>> file is used, a new record is added to the Bxxx table.
>> How is this attachment different than all the others?
>> Data from my 9.1.02 system:
>> 04/10/2018 13:10:35
>> e:\ > SthMry -S Report "'1' = \"000000000000842\""
>> om 1 matches) in Report
>> <ArIds returned start>
>> <Id: 000000000000842 →→ →→→         nullWeb
>> nullCBK:ChargeBack           null802;                     null2
>> null>
>> <ArIds returned end  >
>> <-------------------->000000000000842
>> Request ID                                   000000000000842
>> Submitter                                    BMC Software
>> Create Date                                  2003/01/24 13:14:58
>> Assigned To
>> Last Modified By                             AR_ESCALATOR
>> Modified Date                                2015/04/09 15:27:04
>> Status                                       Active
>> Short Description                            →→ →→ →→ →→→
>> Status History                               1043439298♦dev_caga♥♥
>> 1482978799♦Action Request Installer Account♥
>> Assignee Groups                              802;
>> Locale                                       ko
>> Instance ID
>> AG0050569E2243w0gPSAayxAdASvcH
>> Assignee Groups_Parent
>> zFormIdentificationMarkerField
>> Form Name                                    CBK:ChargeBack
>> Report Type                                  Web
>> *Report Attachment Field                      CBK_Adjustment.rptdesign*
>> Report Set Name                              Adjustment Report
>> Server                                       %%
>> Override Query                               No
>> Report Name                                  →→ →→→
>> Designer Version
>> Lock Override Option                         Yes
>> Visible In Console                           No
>> zTempInstanceCount
>> Report Parameters
>> Base Qualification                           '179' != $\NULL$
>> Date Range Field ID
>> Date Range Report                            No
>> Datatag                                      config-fin
>> Category 1
>> Category 2
>> Category 3
>> > mqry -q select schemaid from arschema where name='Report'
>> "001"
>> <-------------------->SQL row: 1
>> Col 0: 140
>> > mqry -q select * from B140 where c1 = '000000000000842'
>> 131548.456 i ArQryGet returns 0 records for select * from B140 where c1 =
>> '000000000000842'
>> Cheers,
>> Ben Chernys
>> Senior Software Architect
>> Canada / Deutschland
>> Mobile:    +49 171 380 2329   GMT - 7 + [ DST ]
>> Mobile     +1 403  554 0887
>> Email:        Ben.Chernys_AT_softwaretoolhouse.com
>> <Ben.Chernys_AT_softwaretoolhouse.com>
>> Web:         www.softwaretoolhouse.com
>> We are a BMC Technology Alliance Partner
>> Check out Software Tool House's free Diary Editor and our  Freebies
>> Section for ITSM Forms and Fields spreadsheet.
>> *Meta-Update
>> <http://www.softwaretoolhouse.com/product/SthMupd/index.html>**,* our
>> premium ARS Data tool, lets you automate your imports, migrations, *in
>> no time at all*, without programming, without staging forms, without
>> merge workflow.
>> *Meta-Archive
>> <http://www.softwaretoolhouse.com/product/SthArch/index.html>* does ITSM
>> Archiving your way: with your forms and your multi-tenant rules, treating
>> each root request as a complete tree and checking associatuions.  Archive
>> output to different servers, HTML pages with links to attachments or
>> archive forms.
>> *Meta-Databot
>> <http://www.softwaretoolhouse.com/product/Databot/index.html>* is an
>> automated, extensible BMC Data Wizard.  It reads a file of data changes and
>> sports an Undo feature.
>> Pre ITSM 9.1.04?  Clarify?  HP? Roll your own?  No problem!  You can keep
>> your valuable data!
>> http://www.softwaretoolhouse.com/
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