
Thank you for the information.  That fixed my issue.  The workflow is working 

Dustin Fawver
Sr. Help Desk Technician
Information Technology Services

P: 423-439-4648

From: ARSList <> On Behalf Of Mueller, Doug
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 12:45 AM
To: ARSList <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Special characters in Run-If qualifications


You are right on your assumption.   You are saying the following

Zero or more characters followed by ONE of the characters E, X, T, E, R, N, A, 
or L followed by the string " Web Form Submission"  (quotes here are just to 
identify the string in my sentence) followed by zero or more characters.

Your string doesn't match that....

Try the following qualifier:

'Subject:__c' LIKE "%[[]EXTERNAL] Web Form Submission%"

Notice the [[] after the %.   This says to match the one character [   And, 
since you no longer have an open [, the string EXTERNAL is just that, a string 
you are matching.  And the closing ] has no special significance as there is no 
opening [ that is trying to find a matching closing marker.

The issue is a typical challenge that you need to escape special syntax 
characters in your search.

If similarly you wanted to match the character %, you need to put [%] in your 
search string to say to find any of the characters between the [] and by there 
being only one character %, it says to match the character %.   % doesn't have 
special meaning within a [] control.

Anyway, try the search as I modified it above.  I think you will find that it 
does what you are looking for.

Doug Mueller

From: ARSList [] On Behalf Of Fawver, Dustin
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 4:22 PM
To: ARSList <<>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Special characters in Run-If qualifications



Whenever our ARS server processes an incoming email message, it sends the 
various parts of the message (From, To, Subject, Body) into different fields in 
an secondary form.  One of the filters that gets evaluated during this process 
has the following Run-If statement.

'Subject:__c' LIKE "%[EXTERNAL] Web Form Submission%"

The subject line of my test email reads:

[EXTERNAL] Web Form Submission - Lost Outlook and OneDrive coonections

Since the filter wasn't firing, I turned on logging.  The log says that the 
filter failed qualification.  I checked for misspellings and spacing issues.  
What I'm not sure of is if those brackets are causing an issue with the 

Any ideas?
Dustin Fawver
Sr. Help Desk Technician
Information Technology Services

P: 423-439-4648<>

The [EXTERNAL] tag in the subject line identifies emails that do NOT originate 
from an ETSU person or service. Please exercise caution when handling emails 
from external sources. Any email that is unsolicited and requires you to take 
immediate action, appears to be forged or is PHISHING for information can be 
verified by emailing the ITS Help Desk.
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