Hi Dave/Jason –

We have been running 18.08.01 MT (just the standard install, not a WAR 
deployment,) first against our 8.1.02 AR Server, and then against 18.08.00 – 
since about 4/7.  One thing we noticed is we would have certain menus 
items/buttons, etc. not show up if they were to be hidden/displayed by 
permissions.  When we were on 8.1.02, we were told, the workaround is to run 
with Preload on the midtiers, which we did, of course that makes flushing 
excruciatingly slow.  We were told that once we upgrade the back end, we could 
go back to not having preload enabled.  We tried this in our lab environment, 
and still found that with 18.08.01 MT, and 18.08.00 ARS we would still loose 
elements if preload was not enabled.  We would really like to get away from 
preload.  Although you may want to enable it, do a hard flush, and see if your 
missing elements magically reappear.

Jason – Is this parameter getting pulled from central config still an issue 
with 18.08.01?  What was the parameter?



From: ARSList <arslist-boun...@arslist.org> On Behalf Of Jason Miller
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2019 10:55
To: ARSList <arslist@arslist.org>
Subject: Re: Mid tier on one, AR Server on another

Yes, I have used 9.1.03, 9.1.04 and 18.08 against our non-prod 9.1.02 AR 
servers. The only issue we saw was with 9.1.04 and dreadful performance. There 
was some parameter in config.properties that would get pulled from central 
config (so it affected a fresh .war deployment) that would make form load times 
excruciating, even after pre-loading. Once we figured this out, we created a 
new Cluster ID right after getting a fresh MT up and running, which prevented 
the old configuration from being pull from the DB. Worked great once we 
manually re-configured.


On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 5:24 AM Dave Barber 
<daddy.bar...@gmail.com<mailto:daddy.bar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Shortly after messaging, I experienced similar - 9.1.04 p002 was supposed to 
fix these problems.

We have a mixture of in-house applications and lightly modified OOTB, and it is 
normally the work detail tab that disappears, along with a few fields and 
buttons of our own.

Has anyone ever tried the 18.05 or 18.08 mid tiers against a 9.1.02 AR Server?  
(I'm grasping at straws, our mid tiers are a continual pain during migrations, 
but the amount of pain varies randomly)

On Wed, 6 Mar 2019 at 16:45, Jason Miller 
<jason.mil...@gmail.com<mailto:jason.mil...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I should not have said anything. Right after I sent this, one of our Mid Tiers 
had corrupt cache and I had to stop TC and delete files. The telltale sign 
usually is that the Work Detail table on the Incident form does not show up. If 
the Work Detail panel is blank we know it is time to do the cache dance with 
that MT server.


On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 9:53 AM Dave Barber 
<daddy.bar...@gmail.com<mailto:daddy.bar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
We have been finding different behaviours across servers; we have 5 or 6 
forms/areas to check, and we can find that each server seems to randomly miss 
elements - doesn't matter if we have made any changes to that form on a 
deployment, the mid tiers just misbehave.  Random selection of 
sync/flush/restart and after an hour or two things tend to be working.

I'll try that method of installation on one of our pre-prod servers, does sound 
very easy.

On Wed, 6 Mar 2019 at 15:12, Jason Miller 
<jason.mil...@gmail.com<mailto:jason.mil...@gmail.com>> wrote:
We too have issues with 9.1 SP2 and cache. Basically sync cache and flush cache 
features are not usable. Anytime our cache becomes corrupt or a major change 
needs to be picked up, we need to shut down the Mid Tiers and manually delete 
files in ./midtier and ./tomcat. Unfortunately our upgrade to (originally SP4 
but now 18.08) keeps getting delayed for production.

On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 7:52 AM Dave Barber 
<daddy.bar...@gmail.com<mailto:daddy.bar...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Our live AR Servers are on 9.1.02. Our mid tiers are on 9.1.03.

There are some really weird caching issues that appear to have been fixed on 
9.1.04 patch 002 - so I have been looking into upgrading the mid tier to 9.1.04 
patch 002. (If anyone is interested, there are massive inconsistencies in the 
mid tier handling of changes - whenever we make a change, we find the mid tiers 
either not reflecting the change, needing several restarts to pick up the 
change, random parts of forms stop rendering properly - CHG:Infrastructure 
Change Work Info table being one that disappears).

9.1.04 itself is fine, but the patching to 9.1.04 patch 002 does not appear to 
work - can't even import the 9.1.04 patch 002 deployment package into the 
deployment console, as it seems to require the 9.1.04 updates to the deployment 

Has anyone manually updated a 9.1.04 mid tier without using the deployment 
management console?


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