The Action Request System was a revolutionary product well ahead of its time!  
I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to devote a significant amount of my 
professional career delighting customers with solutions powered by AR System! 
It was a treat to witness them marveling at how quickly forms could be 
constructed, web services published, and data replicated with a platform that 
could scale to meet the most grueling of enterprise workloads.  I remember how 
electric it was listening to Doug talk about different facets fo the AR System 

Thanks for everything and the best of luck in all your future endeavors, Doug!


> On Oct 2, 2019, at 4:44 PM, <> 
> wrote:
> Doug Mueller’s last day at BMC was Monday, September 30th. As we all know, 
> Doug was the creator of the ARSystem as a founding member of Remedy 
> Corporation.
> He has always retained the philosophy of supporting the user community, even 
> before he accepted my invitation to join this list in 1993.
> After consultation with Jason and Misi, the current custodians of this 
> ARSlist, it was decided that I should post to this external list that Doug 
> has left, in the hopes that all current and former members of our community 
> can express their best wishes here where it can be done outside of a 
> Corporation based community and where Doug can of course also read them.
> In Doug’s honor, it was also decided that we would shut down the ARSlist 
> permanently on US Thanksgiving, giving folks until then to post their 
> comments, and to signify the thanks we give to Doug for all he has done.
> My understanding is that the archives will continue to be available, and of 
> course can be saved for posterity.
> For my part, it was sad news that someone who has contributed so much, holds 
> so many forward thinking innovative patents singularly and jointly with 
> others, would be departing. 
> I was supposed to post this yesterday and it took me until today to accept 
> that he really had left. I won’t be disappointed if I am proven wrong …….
> Dan
> Daniel Bloom
> Founder of the ARSlist in November 1993
> Active in the Remedy ARSystem world since 1.0
> -- 
> ARSList mailing list
> <>
> <>
ARSList mailing list

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