Hi Jason, 


Down here in sunny South Africa, we are still actively doing custom Remedy 
development for a large telco.

I did the first implementation of Remedy for these guys back in 1998 on ARS 4.0 
which was, initially, a like-for-like functional replacement for an in-house 
developed VB app they used to do network fault and event management.

Since then, we have grown that system through the years to include a long list 
of other custom apps, and have, quite frankly, lost count of how many they are. 

We have also inherited a heavily customized (but labelled “OOTB”) ITSM 
implementation that was done for a different org unit initially.

Now we are, like at every other customer site where I have worked at for the 
last 6 years or so, spending more of our time doing integrations with, and 
configuring ITSM, than maintaining or enhancing existing custom modules, leave 
alone creating new apps on Remedy.

(Now, I felt a lump in my throat, just writing this sentence, because it is sad 
that an era of creativity, productivity and excitement has now finally gone not 
only in my home country, but seemingly, everywhere else too….)


I have been subscribed on and off to the list since more or less around that 
time of doing that initial implementation for these guys. 

The ARSList has always been a most valuable resource to me through the years so 
I’d like to thank Dan, Misi and you for keeping it up this long. 

Another big thanks to all my fellow listers who shared their thoughts, 
experiences, tips and solutions through the years – it certainly helped at 
least one person! :)

When the final day for the ARSList eventually rolls in, I hope that we could 
all meet again on https://communities.bmc.com/ as that is now proving to be a 
valuable resource too. 


Having lost so many fellow Remedy people to SN, I am very pleased to hear 
Roger’s story, but to tie in with what he said about CIO’s wanting “industry 
standard” systems: That is true, and I wish that the industry would wake up the 
realization to what I said in a post on BMC Communities long ago about 
so-called industry standard “best practice” actually now becoming “average 
practice” having no leading egde without the added customizations we do. Maybe 
then Remedy skills will be in the demand it ought to be….   

Good luck with the job hunting – here’s hoping that you do get another “dream 
job” !!!  :)


Happy thanksgiving to my fellow listers in the US!



Best Regards,


Theo Fondse


From: ARSList [mailto:arslist-boun...@arslist.org] On Behalf Of Joanne Janssen
Sent: Thursday, 28 November, 2019 12:14 AM
To: ARSList <arslist@arslist.org>
Subject: Re: Anybody still doing Custom Development?


Jason, Doug, Claire, Misi and all of those other folks whose posts I’ve Read 
over the years without responding.  I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving and you 
are not alone in having tears in your eyes.  I mostly did Remedy development in 
the mid to late 90’s with a brief Sojourn back into the world in 2011-2016.  I 
miss the days when you could develop a system that operated exactly as the 
customer wished.  I loved it.  Good luck to everyone from one of the many quiet 




On Wed, Nov 27, 2019 at 2:58 PM Roger Justice via ARSList <arslist@arslist.org 
<mailto:arslist@arslist.org> > wrote:

I just completed a project that converted a customer from Service Now to Helix 
the main office is in the UK.. My initial role was to be the SN SME since I 
have over four years assisting companies do implementations. I do not do SN 
development I do requirement review with the SN developers that were offshore. 
I assisted in reviewing what was built in SN and how the capability could be 
converted to Remedy.


I also did DWPA development for over four months and determined this is the 
next generation of Service Catalog that we needed when I was a BMC employee 
until they went private.


If a customer reviews Smart IT and DWPA and understands the maturity of the 
ITSM processes and compares it to the OOTB Service Now BMC could still be 


Both Remedy and Service now can have custom applications built as we know the 
question is does the CIO want a custom application or an industry standard.


My 2 cents, a Remedy devotee since 2000.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Miller <jason.mil...@gmail.com <mailto:jason.mil...@gmail.com> >
To: arslist@arslist.org <mailto:arslist@arslist.org>  <arslist@arslist.org 
<mailto:arslist@arslist.org> >
Sent: Wed, Nov 27, 2019 2:44 pm
Subject: Anybody still doing Custom Development?

Hello my Lister family! As the list comes to a close in the near future I 
figured I would send my final post (in a non List admin role). I have two 
intentions with this post... One to have a final discussion regarding 
development on the AR System platform and 2) looking to find work doing AR 
System development or any Remedy work for that matter. 



It has been years since our beloved List buzzed with posts from people sharing 
what they are building, how they are creatively enhancing ITSM (or building 
their own). We all experienced the transition from "we can build whatever the 
business needs on Remedy" to "we want ITSM out of the box." BMC stopped 
promoting Remedy as a platform to build your own solutions on years ago 
(actually, did they ever or was that left over from Remedy Corp?). 
Understandably many organizations had the desire to move to a packaged product 
that was supported and maintained by a vendor. I can't fault them.


But I miss the creativity, the ingenuity, the excitement, and the reward of 
creating solutions (both ITSM related not ITSM related). Does this still exist 


Even though I left my original Remedy home (Sharp HealthCare) a few years ago 
to relocate in Austin, the writing was on the wall there as well. I spent my 
last few years there building a lightweight ITSM suite from the ground up 
(because OOTB ITSM was too rigid and burdensome for that organization). However 
they are just about to go-live with Ivanti Service Manager, out of the box, no 
"customization". We had a history of building all kinds of business solutions, 
some not even IT related. Those will all go away when they retire their Remedy 
environment. Another Remedy shop where creativity and rapid development was 
king... gone.


More recently at my current job, I built a filter a few weeks ago. It was a 
documented fix in a KA for an ITSM issue. Just being in Dev Studio again put a 
huge smile on my face. I was once again in my happy place, for those 5 minutes 
at least. It reminded me of the hours I spent a few years ago cranking out 
forms and workflow.


Is anybody out there willing to share if they still use Remedy as a development 
platform? Is Remedy as a development platform really dead?


While I would love for us to have a open conversation about what organizations 
are still doing Remedy development, I also understand there are confidentially 
concerns for some. Please feel free to email me directly if you wish 
(jason.mil...@gmail.com <mailto:jason.mil...@gmail.com> ).



The contract I have been working under is quickly coming to an end and it is 
looking like I will need to find a new source of income. I would love to find 
out, not only are organizations still performing Remedy development, but even 
better if there are any with an opening for a Remedy Developer in Austin, TX or 


There is a ton of tech around me (the area has been called "Silicon Hills 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_Hills> "), I know some of the companies 
in the area used Remedy at one point, but it appears completely dead here in 
Austin for Remedy work. Did BMC (heck, they even have an office here) really 
lose all of these customers to the competition?


Hopefully this will catch somebody's attention in my area that is still using 
Remedy and we can connect. To clarify, while I love doing Remedy development 
(it would be my dream job), I have nothing against ITSM and am very capable and 
content working with the suite (it is my current job).


Hopefully this post will spark one last (or a few) good conversation on the 


*****  Putting on my ARSlist Admin hat (or whatever my title is)   ***** 


Dan, Misi and myself have been discussing the List's final days (ok, think what 
you will, but my eye just watered up after typing that). Due to some 
circumstances the list may live on a bit longer than was originally stated. So 
until the plug is pulled... Post away! Once the List no longer accepts 
posts/replies the archives will still be available.


Happy Thanksgiving to my Remedy family in the US! And have a great rest of the 
week to my Remedy family elsewhere!




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