I have created several custom ‘modules’ that work along side of the OOB ITSM 
modules and are looking at developing a few others.

Toby Mitchell

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 28, 2019, at 4:34 AM, Theo Fondse <theo.fon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> Down here in sunny South Africa, we are still actively doing custom Remedy 
> development for a large telco.
> I did the first implementation of Remedy for these guys back in 1998 on ARS 
> 4.0 which was, initially, a like-for-like functional replacement for an 
> in-house developed VB app they used to do network fault and event management.
> Since then, we have grown that system through the years to include a long 
> list of other custom apps, and have, quite frankly, lost count of how many 
> they are.
> We have also inherited a heavily customized (but labelled “OOTB”) ITSM 
> implementation that was done for a different org unit initially.
> Now we are, like at every other customer site where I have worked at for the 
> last 6 years or so, spending more of our time doing integrations with, and 
> configuring ITSM, than maintaining or enhancing existing custom modules, 
> leave alone creating new apps on Remedy.
> (Now, I felt a lump in my throat, just writing this sentence, because it is 
> sad that an era of creativity, productivity and excitement has now finally 
> gone not only in my home country, but seemingly, everywhere else too….)
> I have been subscribed on and off to the list since more or less around that 
> time of doing that initial implementation for these guys.
> The ARSList has always been a most valuable resource to me through the years 
> so I’d like to thank Dan, Misi and you for keeping it up this long.
> Another big thanks to all my fellow listers who shared their thoughts, 
> experiences, tips and solutions through the years – it certainly helped at 
> least one person! J
> When the final day for the ARSList eventually rolls in, I hope that we could 
> all meet again on https://communities.bmc.com/ as that is now proving to be a 
> valuable resource too.
> Having lost so many fellow Remedy people to SN, I am very pleased to hear 
> Roger’s story, but to tie in with what he said about CIO’s wanting “industry 
> standard” systems: That is true, and I wish that the industry would wake up 
> the realization to what I said in a post on BMC Communities long ago about 
> so-called industry standard “best practice” actually now becoming “average 
> practice” having no leading egde without the added customizations we do. 
> Maybe then Remedy skills will be in the demand it ought to be….   
> Good luck with the job hunting – here’s hoping that you do get another “dream 
> job” !!!  J
> Happy thanksgiving to my fellow listers in the US!
> Best Regards,
> Theo Fondse
> From: ARSList [mailto:arslist-boun...@arslist.org] On Behalf Of Joanne Janssen
> Sent: Thursday, 28 November, 2019 12:14 AM
> To: ARSList <arslist@arslist.org>
> Subject: Re: Anybody still doing Custom Development?
> Jason, Doug, Claire, Misi and all of those other folks whose posts I’ve Read 
> over the years without responding.  I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving and 
> you are not alone in having tears in your eyes.  I mostly did Remedy 
> development in the mid to late 90’s with a brief Sojourn back into the world 
> in 2011-2016.  I miss the days when you could develop a system that operated 
> exactly as the customer wished.  I loved it.  Good luck to everyone from one 
> of the many quiet devotees
> Joanne
> On Wed, Nov 27, 2019 at 2:58 PM Roger Justice via ARSList 
> <arslist@arslist.org> wrote:
> I just completed a project that converted a customer from Service Now to 
> Helix the main office is in the UK.. My initial role was to be the SN SME 
> since I have over four years assisting companies do implementations. I do not 
> do SN development I do requirement review with the SN developers that were 
> offshore. I assisted in reviewing what was built in SN and how the capability 
> could be converted to Remedy.
> I also did DWPA development for over four months and determined this is the 
> next generation of Service Catalog that we needed when I was a BMC employee 
> until they went private.
> If a customer reviews Smart IT and DWPA and understands the maturity of the 
> ITSM processes and compares it to the OOTB Service Now BMC could still be 
> successful.
> Both Remedy and Service now can have custom applications built as we know the 
> question is does the CIO want a custom application or an industry standard.
> My 2 cents, a Remedy devotee since 2000.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Miller <jason.mil...@gmail.com>
> To: arslist@arslist.org <arslist@arslist.org>
> Sent: Wed, Nov 27, 2019 2:44 pm
> Subject: Anybody still doing Custom Development?
> Hello my Lister family! As the list comes to a close in the near future I 
> figured I would send my final post (in a non List admin role). I have two 
> intentions with this post... One to have a final discussion regarding 
> development on the AR System platform and 2) looking to find work doing AR 
> System development or any Remedy work for that matter.
> 1)
> It has been years since our beloved List buzzed with posts from people 
> sharing what they are building, how they are creatively enhancing ITSM (or 
> building their own). We all experienced the transition from "we can build 
> whatever the business needs on Remedy" to "we want ITSM out of the box." BMC 
> stopped promoting Remedy as a platform to build your own solutions on years 
> ago (actually, did they ever or was that left over from Remedy Corp?). 
> Understandably many organizations had the desire to move to a packaged 
> product that was supported and maintained by a vendor. I can't fault them.
> But I miss the creativity, the ingenuity, the excitement, and the reward of 
> creating solutions (both ITSM related not ITSM related). Does this still 
> exist anywhere?
> Even though I left my original Remedy home (Sharp HealthCare) a few years ago 
> to relocate in Austin, the writing was on the wall there as well. I spent my 
> last few years there building a lightweight ITSM suite from the ground up 
> (because OOTB ITSM was too rigid and burdensome for that organization). 
> However they are just about to go-live with Ivanti Service Manager, out of 
> the box, no "customization". We had a history of building all kinds of 
> business solutions, some not even IT related. Those will all go away when 
> they retire their Remedy environment. Another Remedy shop where creativity 
> and rapid development was king... gone.
> More recently at my current job, I built a filter a few weeks ago. It was a 
> documented fix in a KA for an ITSM issue. Just being in Dev Studio again put 
> a huge smile on my face. I was once again in my happy place, for those 5 
> minutes at least. It reminded me of the hours I spent a few years ago 
> cranking out forms and workflow.
> Is anybody out there willing to share if they still use Remedy as a 
> development platform? Is Remedy as a development platform really dead?
> While I would love for us to have a open conversation about what 
> organizations are still doing Remedy development, I also understand there are 
> confidentially concerns for some. Please feel free to email me directly if 
> you wish (jason.mil...@gmail.com).
> 2)
> The contract I have been working under is quickly coming to an end and it is 
> looking like I will need to find a new source of income. I would love to find 
> out, not only are organizations still performing Remedy development, but even 
> better if there are any with an opening for a Remedy Developer in Austin, TX 
> or Remote.
> There is a ton of tech around me (the area has been called "Silicon Hills"), 
> I know some of the companies in the area used Remedy at one point, but it 
> appears completely dead here in Austin for Remedy work. Did BMC (heck, they 
> even have an office here) really lose all of these customers to the 
> competition?
> Hopefully this will catch somebody's attention in my area that is still using 
> Remedy and we can connect. To clarify, while I love doing Remedy development 
> (it would be my dream job), I have nothing against ITSM and am very capable 
> and content working with the suite (it is my current job).
> Hopefully this post will spark one last (or a few) good conversation on the 
> ARSlist.
> *****  Putting on my ARSlist Admin hat (or whatever my title is)   *****
> Dan, Misi and myself have been discussing the List's final days (ok, think 
> what you will, but my eye just watered up after typing that). Due to some 
> circumstances the list may live on a bit longer than was originally stated. 
> So until the plug is pulled... Post away! Once the List no longer accepts 
> posts/replies the archives will still be available.
> Happy Thanksgiving to my Remedy family in the US! And have a great rest of 
> the week to my Remedy family elsewhere!
> Jason
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