Hi All,
Ive sent this before but failed to get a response from anyone so i thought id try again.
The problem im having is our company is primarily a thin client enterprise and most of our applications are published citrix applications and for some reason the 7 user tool will not expand the html nav items.
The error comes up with unknown path which i have tracked down to the wut.js script in the user/lib directory.
Im not sure why the path in not being set here is the function
// Open or Close a non-leaf node
// status could be "open" or "close"
DNavBarItem.prototype.SetStatus=function(status) {
   var anchorObj = this.mObj.firstChild;
   var imgObj = anchorObj.firstChild;
 if (this.mStatus != "open" && status == "open") {
        this.mStatus = "open";
        if (imgObj.src.match(/\S*vnav_close2.gif\S*/) != null)
       imgObj.src = "" + "images/vnav_open2.gif";
       imgObj.src = "" + "images/vnav_open1.gif";
        if (this.mChildObj != null){
        if (NoVisionUser)
   anchorObj.title = anchorObj.title.replace(getLocalizedMessage("Closed"), getLocalizedMessage("Opened"));
    } else if (this.mStatus != "close" && status == "close"){
        this.mStatus = "close";
        if (imgObj.src.match(/\S*vnav_open1.gif\S*/) != null)
       imgObj.src = "" + "images/vnav_close1.gif";
       imgObj.src = "" + "images/vnav_close2.gif";
        if (this.mChildObj != null){
        if (NoVisionUser)
   anchorObj.title = anchorObj.title.replace(getLocalizedMessage("Opened"), getLocalizedMessage("Closed"));
its pretty much just trying to find the open close images
The server the user tool is on is win2k3
ARServer 7.0.1
Platform HPUX Itanium 11.23
any help would be appreciated

Greg Elphick
Advisory Systems Engineer

Tel +61 (0)7 3303-3827
Ê Fax +61 (0)7 3364-9777

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