    My best guess is that the barcode function StringToCode39 is being called 
from a DLL that is not present on the client systems.  Since the developer 
machine has the Crystal Reports Developer installed it would have the necessary 
DLL.  Find the DLL culprit and copy it into the AR directory with the rest of 
the crystal DLLs and that should solve your problem.
  Dave Fincher

Julio C M Lima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  **       st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }                Dear Listers,
              We are facing a strange problem with the Crystal Report during 
its function call.
              Basically the problem happens when the form calls the open window 
on mode Report, that makes the call for the Crystal Report file.
              On the file we have a function StringToCode39 that makes the 
conversion so we can use the barcode fonts to print the barcode itself.
              The error does not happen on the machine that has the Crystal 
Developer (version 7.0.0) installed, but on all the other machines.
              We tried with many different User versions but no success.
              The error is:
        Error in formula <CODEBAR39>.
        The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula
              Important to mention that the function StringToCode39 is part of 
the Crystal and we don’t use anything special to render the barcode on the 
Crystal Developer. The only thing external we use is a freeware barcode font, 
installed on the machine. We also tested with this font installed on the other 
              Perhaps this function is not supported by the Crystal runtime 
that comes with the User…
              We will greatly appreciate any help.
  Julio Cesar de Melhado e Lima
  Software Architect
  Hypercom Latin America
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