Thanks, Chris, those are good rules.  One of the challenges we all face (or
soon will) is that the compromises we've been forced to accept in naming
mechanisms for ITSM 6 and earlier are no longer in place for ITSM 7, which
has 3 Operation Categorizational tiers, and potentially up to 6 Product ones
if you count the product name, version, and Mfgr.  Separating out specific
product data from the Operational Categorizations and having them still make
sense is the challenge.
I think the solution I came up with (and posted here) yesterday (inserting
the Tiers into a question) will work fine, at least with this customer.  If
it works for taking the tickets and for reporting on them, I'm happy.

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Woyton
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 8:00 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: ITSM 7 Operational Categorizations

Here's some documentation I wrote up for a customer workshop that might help
Keep in mind, one size does *not* fit all. In fact, there's a suprising
difference in operational tasks between support organizations even in the
same industry. There will be some overlap, certainly, but using someone
else's Categorizations would not be a very good starting point, IMHO.
With that in mind, here be da rulez....
Categorization Guidelines


1. Use "Real" Data. 

It's a common mistake to try and tackle Categorization in one large chunk or
to try and hypothetically define Categories. Rather than try and answer the
question "What do I do?" or "What Categories do I nee?" take an example of
what you do and ask "How can I Categorize this?" Refer to your current
tickets or tracking tool or pick specific instances to examine. 


Once you've established a source for your Use Cases, form the description of
the Use Case into a single sentence (or use the Summary or Description from
your ticket data). For example: "User needs after hours badge access to
Building 12". From that sentence, pick the direct object - "badge access" in
this case - and use that to start your hierarchy. From "badge access", put
the Use Case into a larger context first - some examples: "Building Access"
," Facilities",  "Security", "Kronos". Then break the Use Case down into
more granular terms. For example: "After Hours Access", "Building 12",
"Add", "Modify", etc.


This should generate a column of values. Once you've got the first pass on
your list, reduce the list to only include pertinent items. Use the rest of
the rules below to help strike items from your list until you've adequately
described the nature of the Case.


Repeat this step a few times with different Use Cases and patterns
unfailingly emerge.


2. Avoid Redundancy

If the data exists on other parts of the Form, don't include in your
Categorization. Since it's not uncommon for Categorization levels to be
somewhat scarce, redundant data will invariably take up space better
utilized in describing what you are categorizing.


Additionally, other data elements tend to change or get renamed. By keeping
your Categories purely descriptive, you'll save data administration later as
you'll not need to update Categorization for existing records.


3. Stop at the End

This seems intuitive, but it's a common mistake to force values into lower
levels of a hierarchy where none are needed. If you've determined values
that fully describe what you need and you're fully aware of how that data is
used, but the hierarchy stops at Tier 2 (or even Tier 1!) then.stop. The
system will require all 3 levels be populated, but the values need not be
significant at all Tiers.


4. Expect Data to Change

There's an old saying - "The Best is the enemy of the Good". This means that
trying to get something perfect before you use it means you will, in all
likelihood, never use it. This is also known as "Paralysis by Analysis" or
"Creeping Elegance". 


When determining your Categorization, keep in mind that what you did 6
months or a year ago was probably somewhat different than what you do today.
Business changes, requirements change, and therefore, so will your data.
Your starting Categorizations need not be comprehensive and perfect before
they add value. 


5. Include an "Other" Value.

Just as you can expect data to change, you can also expect your business to
change ahead of your data. 


It is far better to have data not categorized than categorized wrong.  By
including an "Other" or similar value, you give your users the ability to
correctly enter data about new things in a way that's easy to identify.
Conversely, miscategorized records will be impossible to find. 


Periodic reviews can assist you in updating your Categorizations, as well as
identify "training opportunities": (read: lazy users).


6. Use a Single Path

Each thing that you categorize should be represented in only one way in your
Categorizations. This will help ensure your data stays consistent. 


Conversely, each "path" through your Categorizations can accommodate 1 or
more things. This is related to Rule #3 - only go as far as you need to go
to get the significant values you want. Use caution, however, as making a
Categorization path too generic can dilute the significance of your
Categorizations as a whole.


7. Use Familiar Terms and Nomenclature

If your organization refers to SAP, PeopleSoftt, etc. as "Big Apps", use the
term "Big Apps" in your Categories and not "Enterprise Applications",
"Global Multi-User Multi-Tier Financial Applications" or some other
unfamiliar, albeit technically correct, name. Keeping the familiar names
will help in proper data entry.


7. Remember Data Usage.

Finally, keep in mind what your Categorizations will be used for. In Remedy,
Categorizations drive potential Assignments, Reporting, Solutions/Knowledge
Bases, and are an aid in performing Searches. You want to ensure your
Categorizations support these functions, so periodically perform a "sanity
check" to make sure your Categorizations fulfill your needs.


Hope this helps, 



-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Roger Justice
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 3:59 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: ITSM 7 Operational Categorizations

Your Tier 1 and 3 need to be reversed then it will make sense with the new
ITIL driven design concepts.
-----Original Message-----
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Sent: Tue, 1 May 2007 6:41 PM
Subject: ITSM 7 Operational Categorizations

I am searching for good examples of how to set up the Operational
Categorization sets in ITSM 7.0, and finding the pickings pretty slim (the
Remedy KB is typically sparse).  Conceptually, I know that it needs to
complement the Product Categorization, primarily by NOT duplicating the
information contained therein.  Knowing that I want to keep them related to
symptoms that would be reported by users while still being useful in
reporting, here's kinda what I am thinking about here.
TIER 1        TIER 2         TIER 3 

Application     Request     Installation
Application     Problem     Connectivity
Application     Problem     Functionality
Hardware        Request    Upgrade
Hardware        Problem    Peripheral
Unfortunately, there don't seem to be many examples of a good setup of Cat
1,2,3 for the Op. Cats, (yes, I have seen the sample data) and I'm
struggling to format a good, consistent set on my own. Does the example I
included make sense, or do you see problems with it?
Rick Cook
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