When I have had to construct these types of searches, you end up putting
the user in a bit of a crunch, and end up developing a form that builds
the 'advanced search string' for the table qualification. (This AND
That) AND (Something OR Nothing)


For a simple "AND" construct a AL Guide and a run-if for each of the
search fields with <field> != NULL then Append to Search Criteria


To avoid this "development overhead", I have generally elected to create
a "SEARCH VIEW" on the storage table, and just link into that view with
what ever buttons open that form.


The Reason is Users are Users, and understand how to use the "Advanced
Search" option, which then gets me out of coding a complex setup to
allow them to do complex searches!


On the view you can easily add a button to "open the ticket" which will
open the appropriate form (hopefully $SCHEMA$ was stored in the
ALLTickets for ease of use) in Modify / Dialog / etc based upon the


HDT Platform Incident / Problem Manager & Architect 
Robert Molenda 
Tel: +1 408 503 2701 
Fax: +1 408 503 2912 
Mobile: +1 408 472 8097 

Quality begins with your actions.



From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 11:25 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Searching one form from another


** Hey everyone-

We have several types of tickets and people want to be able to search
across all of them. All ticket types push key information to the
AllTickets form- Status, Submitter, Summary, Date Created, and so on
(not sure how much of this was out of the box). 

I'm trying to make a form which can be an 'Advanced Search' type of
form. I've made character or date fields to input the parameters and
have a table linked to All Tickets to display the results. My thinking
was that the criteria could be set in a hidden field called Search
Criteria, then the table has the qualification EXTRNAL($Search
Criteria$), but I'm not able to figure a good way to get multiple
criteria in there. For example, if I simply set the hidden field to
something like this (LIST fields are on the AllTickets form): 

'LISTSummary' LIKE (("%" + $Summary$) +"%") AND 'LISTSubmitter' LIKE
(("%" + $Summary$) +"%")... 

and so on, it won't run if fields any listed fields are null. 

Am I going about this all the wrong way? Any ideas on how to do this


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