Something similar for IE7


On 5/10/07, Axton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The nextPage variable is probably set on the form post action (i.e.,
when you click the login button).  If you want to see the value of the
parameter, read it from the HttpServletRequest Parameter like this:


For example, in your html you can simply add this somewhere in the
html to have it written to the page:

<div>Goto Parameter: <%request.getParameter("goto")%></div>

If you are doing this just for debugging, the firebug plugin for
firefox will show you all the request and response data:

Axton Grams

On 5/10/07, L. J. Head <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok...with the help of Carey I have gotten to know the code a bit
> better...but still need some help.  Java variable nextPage is being set in
> logon_common.jsp as such
>    String nextPage = (String)request.getParameter("goto");
>    if (nextPage == null) {
>         nextPage = "";
>    }
> Now...the URL that I am passing Mid-Tier is similar to this one
> http://<webServer>/arsys/servlet/ViewFormServlet?form=<Form>&server=<remedyS
> erver>&eid=<eid>
> When I give it that URL and I have my login.jsp file set to
> <input type="hidden" name="goto" value="<%=nextPage%>" >
> I go directly to the entry in question.  My problem is that when I choose to
> display the nextPage variable to the screen to see what it is it is always
> "" no matter if I have used the above URL or gone directly to the Home page
> or gone directly to the Login it is using some value that I don't
> currently know how to check.  I have tried request.getParameter as well as
> session.getAttribute....anyone have any suggestions on how I can determine
> if the login already has a goto?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: L. J. Head [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 12:24 PM
> To: 'arslist@ARSLIST.ORG'
> Subject: Login.jsp Manipulation
> I, as most of us do, have users that bookmark the login screen
> http://<midtier-server>/arsys/shared/login.jsp
> When they do that they get an error about not having all of the parameters
> mapped, they click the 'return to home' and they get to
> the home page.  I got sick of fielding these production support questions so
> I came to the list and inquired about how to eliminate them.  I was told
> that if I change these two lines it would work grand
> <input type="hidden" name="server" value="<%=server%>" > <input
> type="hidden" name="goto" value="<%=nextPage%>" >
> If you hard-code those two lines with values it works great...any time
> anyone gets to the login page and login they go to the home page....which is
> great with exception of hard coded URL's that are designed to take them to
> specific entries instead of the home page.  So I got the brilliant idea to
> Check to see if nextPage is null...and if it is...set it to /arsys/home...if
> not...let it be what it is....but there is the rub...I'm not a JavaScript
> GURU to be able to do that...any suggestions?...I've tried several things I
> found on the web for checking JSP variables via Javascript but none of them
> seem able to properly return the current value of nextPage.
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