How about they fix the stuff they already have?

* Provide detailed, explanations for why each and every RFE is either:
Accepted, Rejected or Deferred.

* Keep the Search DB up to date without a Sync process. (one object at
a time when the object is changed.)

* Ability to add an object to a Packing List via a context menu in the
Admin tool lists windows. (And also from the individual object

* Use the "Related Workflow" idea on all "objects". (Like for menus, views)

* Ability to search for (or better have pre-indexed) hard coded string
values used in workflow. ( Qualifications, actions, etc...)

* Improve the ability of the Admin Tool to actually update "container"
windows when new objects are created, or when the Names are changed of
any of the items in the container.

* Integration to a server side Objects Source control system. (SVN
would be great, but anything that is not platform specific and
hopefully open sourced.)

* provide packing lists for each and every application they sell. So
that it is "easy" to get a list of everything that is OOB and to
verify that "all the right stuff" was installed.

* Improve the overall performance. Switching from action 1 to action 2
of an active link should not require the client to cache all fields on
the form(s) involved every time the selected action is changed.

However... if we are in dream mode....

* STOP using names as the unique identifier for an ARS object. An
internal GUID would go a long way to making the whole development
process easier. ( Change a name and move it to production and it
should stomp on the old name of the object. )

* All ARS workflow should be runtime enabled. There should be no
quality or setting that a workflow action can do that can not be data
driven at runtime.

* The ability to script and "plugin" a new action would be fantastic.
(and a registry for these things on the server)

* A local field registry so that instead of just adding a "Character
field" you could add the "Foo" field.(That would have predetermined
details, Field ID, sizes, permissions, helptext, etc..) And if the
registry is updated... then all fields based on those registry fields
would be modified as well too. Increase the size of the Foo field from
25 to 254 and they change on all forms with that field.

* A "debug" mode that would allow all workflow logging but not
actually do any data changes to the DB.

* A "check point" model for all data on the server. So that test data
could be established, testing performed and the data set "rolled back"
to that check point before the testing was performed.

* The ability for any field to be "NOT logged" (as masked *** values)
in all log files. ( A setting on the field that can be applied to all
field ID's, Client side and server side.)

Carey Matthew Black
Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)

Love, then teach
Solution = People + Process + Tools
Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.

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