How about Joe D'souza


Rocky Rockwell
eMA Team – Remedy Developer
Ph#1: 214-567-8874
Ph#2: 325-884-1263

Daniel Bloom wrote:

I will repeat this message one more as well,

and I am hoping to get greater response than I have so far >>>>>>>

As Founder of the ARSlist  it is my privilege to announce the
*13th Annual ARSlist Awards* Call For Nominations.

These awards were created by me in 1995 to recognize the effort that other
people were putting into the list providing the excellent technical replies
or sometimes mediocre humour, and to provide them an incentive to keep
providing those excellent technical replies (not the humour).

Various groups and companies now sponsor the award plaques,
prizes, and various flying objects.

I am open to those groups and companies now contacting me about
sponsorships for this year’s awards.

*Special Mention: We thank Kifinti ( <>) for being the*

*Only current Corporate Sponsor, and for always supporting the BMC Remedy*

*User Community. Although other companies said they would, none followed through.*

Nominations are open for:

*MVP - Most Valuable Poster.
This is the person you feel has contributed the most to the list in a
combination of quality and quantity.
Anyone who has won the award in the last 5 years, BMC or Remedy employees
are not eligible. Sadly, this means that Gidd is eligible again J

The Rules for Nomination Acceptance and some General Rules:

* An individual must be nominated by at least two independent sources

* The years postings are somewhat reviewed to ensure that this
is someone who posts quality answers.
( Not that anyone has ever been rejected on this basis)

* Only those that were on the list for the entire year are eligible

* Only those that have registered on the ARSList *before*
August 1st, 2007 are eligible to vote. It is assumed you won't vote
if you haven't been around long enough to know the posters in question.
in the unlikely event of another tie, the person or product with the
greatest number of sources of votes will be declared winner.

* Voting and nominating is by the Individual REAL person,
so redistribution lists don't vote, and those that have multiple
subscriptions still get only one vote, unless you unethically
get it by me.

Please Note: This means you MUST include your real name and who you work for,

Not just send me your email address used on the ARSlist, although your email

should come from that address.

* BMCSoftware employees on the ARSlist are eligible to vote,
except for the BMCSoftware Employee  Beyond the Call of Duty Award

* All decisions of the oversight panel are final
(if I have to make a controversial decision,
I confer with 4 past MVP winners for their opinion)

* Nominations posted to the list are not accepted,
they must be to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Past MVP [Most Valuable Poster Award] recipients are:
[1995-2001 inclusive are now re-eligible]

2006 Axton Grams
2005 Tim Widowfield
2004 Matt Reinfeldt
2003 Carey Matthew Black
2002 Chris Woyton
2001 Gidd Calden
2000 Jarl Groneng,Tommy Nijem
1999 Rick Cook
1998 Raymond Leach
1997 Vicky Bayol
1996 Joel D. Sender
1995 Martin Nystrom

*Best 3rd Party ARSystem Utility (Freeware)
*Best 3rd Party ARSystem Utility (Commercial)
*Best 3rd Party ARSystem related Product [e.g. a wireless integration system]
*Best 3rd Party Application Suite(Commercial)
*Best 3rd Party Application(Freeware)
*BMCSoftware Remedy Employee Beyond the Call of Duty Award

Again, an individual or product must be nominated by at least two
independent sources.

Nominations for other Categories are open for the next two weeks as well.

Nominate a potential winner for the other Category while you suggest the
category if you wish

[no Nominations, no Award will be conferred in that category]

Please send nominations to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Time Line (Late to avoid running this during holidays in Summer):
*Sept 9th 8p.m.EST: nominations for MVP closes*, other category nominations
(if I receive good other categories, the category will be posted in time for
to nominate potential recipients)

Since no one has ever turned down a nomination for MVP,
I am dispensing with them having to accept the nomination.

*Sept 10th any time zone: Voting begins for 2 weeks for MVP and all other*


Once again, I will be posting more specific voting rules and voting minimums

To maintain the integrity and value of these Awards.

*Sept 24th at 8 p.m. EST: The voting Closes for MVP and all other categories Closes*

Thurs Nov 1st 5:30p.m. (date/time subject to change)

at BMC UserWorld 2007:Award Ceremony

[Product Awards are sometimes given out early if the winner has a Booth at the Conference

[no one knows the winner(s) until then, well okay, except me and the plaque

Please send nominations to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

thanks ...Daniel
Daniel Bloom
Founder of the ARSlist

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