
I take that to mean that we should be aware of what political family's
patriarch was a particpant in the coup that Butler exposed, per the
wikipedia article.

Everyone else, if you don't know who that person was then you only
get one guess as to what his last name was. Wealthy Pro-Nazis during that time continued their activities during and after congresional investigation, which should give everyone all the hint they would need.

To me, the graphic is particularly offensive as it replaces the Statue of
Liberty's torch (a symbol of enlightenment) with a blazing machine gun (pretty much the opposite of enlightenment). How anyone in this day and age could fail to see the irony of a gun-totin' tablet-of-justice carryin' Statue of Liberty and how that image plays to the view of America held by today's world boggles my mind.

Norm, I'm 100% for a strong military, and I respect you as a person and as someone who knows pretty much everything there is to know about Remedy. But off-topic or not, that graphic should not have been posted to this forum.

Tulsa, OK

On Fri, 31 Aug 2007, Tim Widowfield wrote:

It isn't necessarily politics.  General Smedley Butler indicated it's more a
matter of paying attention to what's really going on...



--- Andrew Hicox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Guess wether it's cool or not depends on your politics ...

For sure, that's the way 90% of the world views the US right now, for
better or worse.


On Aug 31, 2007, at 10:06 AM, Kaiser Norm E CIV USAF 96 CS/SCCE wrote:

Forgive me…this isn’t exactly funny, but I think it’s cool, and I
know there are a lot of ex-military types on the list who might
appreciate it:



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