OK Daniel, the URL should never have been posted.


On Fri, 31 Aug 2007, arslist wrote:

I am not in the mood to argue whether or not the original posting should
have been posted.

However, I am happy to say that this forum should NOT spend any time
on US politics or political history as a result of the post.

As much as those of us in the other 59 countries that receive the list
might enjoy picking US foreign policy into little bits, it is the wrong
forum for it.

Enjoy a wonderful long weekend (in countries where that applies)
and Labour/Labor Day :-)

.... Daniel
p.s. to be accurate, it was a URL that could optionally be followed
     not the graphic itself


a bit snipped .......................
Norm, I'm 100% for a strong military, and I respect you as a person and
as someone who knows pretty much everything there is to know about
Remedy. But off-topic or not, that graphic should not have been posted to
this forum.

Tulsa, OK

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