

This is a limitation of your LDAP server.  It can be changed yet the
network admins probably would not want to increase the limit on the LDAP
server because of performance.  However, there is always another way...


Although you are limited to 500 records from LDAP you are not limited to
the number of queries.  By using a SQL View you can return every record
from LDAP.  Attached is a view which I used at one point.  It breaks
down the query into 26 sub queries - each by the first letter of the
user's names.  Because you have 60K records you would need to further
refine the sub queries to never match more than 500 records.


Big caveat:

You should only use this type of query sparingly and with 60K records,
probably only after hours.  This is because the SQL View will first
return all 60K records to your SQL Server then extract out the matching
records (WHERE clause) and return them to your query screen (or ARS View


Example: You want to see a list of the people whose login names start
with the letter R.  You run the following command:


SELECT sAMAccountName


WHERE sAMAccountName LIKE 'R%'


SQL Server will first retrieve all 60,000 records from LDAP (ouch).
Then extract out the 100 login names that match your WHERE clause and
display them.   Just wanted you to be aware.


One situation where it is beneficial to retrieve all records is when you
need to initially populate an ARS form with LDAP data. If you need to do
this every day then you will likely want to schedule this to run when
no-one is on the system and the backups are not running (depending upon
your topology).


Windows Server 2003

Active Directory

SQL Server 2000



Remedy Skilled Professional



From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Russ Grant
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 9:46 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: LDAP Question


Greetings ARList!
I'm connecting to a LDAP server using ARDBC LDAP plug-in and then
creating a vendor form for workflow. For some reason when I query the
vendor form I can only get the first 500 records returned and there
should be well over 60k records. 

There is some history here, I've been using ARDBC LDAP plug-in to
connect to a local LDAP server for some time now and I haven't had any
problems, I'm able to perform a query on the vendor form and get the
correct number of records returned. One of the applications that we use
locally now needs to expand to other sites so I need to connect to a
global LDAP server instead of the local LDAP server (which doesn't
include employees outside our site). This is were I'm having a problem,
connecting to the global LDAP server using ARDBC only returns the top
500 records. I realize this probably isn't a Remedy problem but I wanted
to see if there were any LDAP gurus that might have a suggestion.

Thanks in advance!


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CREATE view [dbo].[udv_LDAP]

SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''A*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''B*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''C*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''D*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''E*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''F*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''G*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''H*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''I*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''J*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''K*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''L*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''M*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''N*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''O*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''P*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''Q*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''R*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''S*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''T*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''U*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''V*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''W*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''X*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''Y*''')
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT PwdLastSet, GivenName, sn, 
sAMAccountName, cn, mail, displayName, department, telephoneNumber, 
streetAddress, st, distinguishedName, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, 
userPrincipalName, mailNickname, l, postalCode, msExchHomeServerName, 
whenCreated, whenChanged, userAccountControl   FROM ''LDAP://YOURDCSERVER'' 
WHERE objectClass=''User'' AND objectCategory=''Person'' AND sn=''Z*''')

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