
At UserWorld 2007 Doug Mueller was emphatic that BMC has no intention of
locking down the platform prohibiting  development.  I've never felt Doug
has been anything but honest with us.  There was a full session devoted to
Doug basically talking about the future of ARS and providing reassurance to
our community.

Of course business is business but Doug was very convincing.


On Feb 6, 2008 6:47 AM, Seth Wrye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A company I was contracted to tried that last year and was informed by BMC
> that if we did not renew support, we must delete all of the licenses that we
> did not pay support for and un-install each of the modules.  It is also
> stated in the license agreement.  This was a small company and they did not
> have the cash needed to continue with the ITSM suite.  They were seriously
> considering getting rid of Remedy all together.  I was able to convince them
> that since the company is small, they could build a custom system off of the
> ARS platform and when the due date comes, drop the support, delete the
> licenses for the modules and keep the server and ARSystem User licenses and
> pay support for only what they keep.  Depending on the size of the company
> and system this is a good alternative.  If the company grows later on and
> can justify spending the $$ then at least they still have Remedy and can
> bring back the modules and a company has been saved the heartache of moving
> to a lesser platform.  Ahhhh, It brings us back to the days of real
> development where if you wanted an asset management module, you had to build
> it...  Not sure how long this will even be a possibility depending on if and
> when BMC completely locks everything down so no development can be done
> whatsoever.
> Seth Wrye
> ________________________________
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) on behalf of William
> H. Will Du Chene
> Sent: Tue 2/5/2008 5:01 PM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Company Dropping Remedy
>  What about this scenario:
> BMC may have control over whom they want to "transfer" support to while
> the contract is in effect for the amount of the term. It's sort of like if
> you and I sat down at the table and hammered out an agreement that you
> would purchase my services for a month.
> I'd expect that you would be honor your side of the agreement for the
> duration. I'd venture a guess that most would agree, yes? After the month
> is up, who cares?
> I am not a lawyer (and I don't even play one on television!), but it would
> seem to me that there is a very simple solution: wait until your support
> contract is up, and DO NOT renew it with BMC. Once your term is up, then
> you should be able to renew it with the VAR of your choice.
> If your term is up, then the contract language might not apply. It would
> be prudent to contact your legal department for confirmation first,
> however, just to be on the safe side.
> Just an idle thought - offered humbly.
> --
> Will Du Chene
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