I have to agree - you are damned if you do, and you are damned if you don't.

On 2/6/08, Kaiser Norm E CIV USAF 96 CS/SCCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see "customizable" as a false selling point for the current ITSM
> product.  A lot of folks tend to argue that Remedy's ITSM offering is
> better than the competitions' because it is "fully customizable," when,
> in fact, you customize at your own risk, and, as BMC's own staff says,
> "Any customization is a bad one."
> It's a catch-22.  People like Remedy's ITSM offering because it's
> "customizable" but if you dare customize it, you put yourself into a
> precarious, unsupported position.  Plus, the thing is a spaghetti code
> monster, making customization nearly impossible.
> I try to communicate that "Remedy" and "Remedy's ITSM" products are two
> separate products.  "Remedy" (i.e., ARS) is a software development
> platform--ITSM is a canned application that should remain as is.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Seth Wrye
> Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 9:23 AM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Company Dropping Remedy
> Understood.  The only problem though is that being able to customize ASR
> (Apps or Platform) has been one of ARS's strongest selling point.
> Should I tell my customers that if they want to customize the HelpDesk
> form by adding a graphic or to change the flow of a ticket, they will
> either have to build the entire module from scratch or loose support?  I
> think, with the apps at least, BMC is narrowing the gap that made ARS so
> much better than the rest of the competition.
> Seth Wrye
> ________________________________
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) on behalf of
> Grooms, Frederick W
> Sent: Wed 2/6/2008 10:10 AM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Company Dropping Remedy
> I think there is a difference here.   The ARS platform is one thing, the
> canned OOB applications are another.  I believe BMC's customization
> statement is about the OOB applications.  Here we don't use any of the
> OOB apps, it is all pure ARS custom code.
> Fred
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Seth Wrye
> Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 7:49 AM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Company Dropping Remedy
> I know, I know, I was also there for that.  I have since taken more
> training (as we all do) and every time I bring this subject up, I get
> the same answer.  Its usually something like "BMC says that any
> customization is a bad customization".  If they plan on keeping the
> platform open for customizations, great!!  But... there's nothing wrong
> with being prepared for the worse case scenario.  Most of us witnessed
> that when that one company purchased Remedy.  If I recall, I think the
> name started with a P and ended with bankruptcy.
> Seth Wrye
> ________________________________
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) on behalf of Susan
> Palmer
> Sent: Wed 2/6/2008 8:25 AM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Company Dropping Remedy
> **
> Seth,
> At UserWorld 2007 Doug Mueller was emphatic that BMC has no intention of
> locking down the platform prohibiting  development.  I've never felt
> Doug has been anything but honest with us.  There was a full session
> devoted to Doug basically talking about the future of ARS and providing
> reassurance to our community.
> Of course business is business but Doug was very convincing.
> Susan
> On Feb 6, 2008 6:47 AM, Seth Wrye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>        A company I was contracted to tried that last year and was
> informed by BMC that if we did not renew support, we must delete all of
> the licenses that we did not pay support for and un-install each of the
> modules.  It is also stated in the license agreement.  This was a small
> company and they did not have the cash needed to continue with the ITSM
> suite.  They were seriously considering getting rid of Remedy all
> together.  I was able to convince them that since the company is small,
> they could build a custom system off of the ARS platform and when the
> due date comes, drop the support, delete the licenses for the modules
> and keep the server and ARSystem User licenses and pay support for only
> what they keep.  Depending on the size of the company and system this is
> a good alternative.  If the company grows later on and can justify
> spending the $$ then at least they still have Remedy and can bring back
> the modules and a company has been saved the heartache of moving to a
> lesser platform.  Ahhhh, It brings us back to the days of real
> development where if you wanted an asset management module, you had to
> build it...  Not sure how long this will even be a possibility depending
> on if and when BMC completely locks everything down so no development
> can be done whatsoever.
>        Seth Wrye
>        ________________________________
>        From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) on behalf
> of William H. Will Du Chene
>        Sent: Tue 2/5/2008 5:01 PM
>        To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
>        Subject: Re: Company Dropping Remedy
>        What about this scenario:
>        BMC may have control over whom they want to "transfer" support
> to while
>        the contract is in effect for the amount of the term. It's sort
> of like if
>        you and I sat down at the table and hammered out an agreement
> that you
>        would purchase my services for a month.
>        I'd expect that you would be honor your side of the agreement
> for the
>        duration. I'd venture a guess that most would agree, yes? After
> the month
>        is up, who cares?
>        I am not a lawyer (and I don't even play one on television!),
> but it would
>        seem to me that there is a very simple solution: wait until your
> support
>        contract is up, and DO NOT renew it with BMC. Once your term is
> up, then
>        you should be able to renew it with the VAR of your choice.
>        If your term is up, then the contract language might not apply.
> It would
>        be prudent to contact your legal department for confirmation
> first,
>        however, just to be on the safe side.
>        Just an idle thought - offered humbly.
>        --
>        Will Du Chene
>        http://www.myspace.com/wduchene
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