OCLA.RUG Members:

Just one more week until the next OC.LA.RUG meeting!  Our March 6 meeting
will be held at Broadcom Corporation world headquarters in Irvine.

The address for the office is:

5300 California Ave
Irvine, Ca 92617

There is a guard shack at the entrance. Tell the guard that you are
there for the OCLA Rug meeting.  The conference room is called 'Doheney'
and is located in building 2.

The presenters for our upcoming meeting will be Alarmpoint Systems, Inc.

"AlarmPoint Systems, Inc provides automated event notification and
resolution products and on-demand services to nearly 800 global
organizations. The AlarmPoint products enable leading enterprises to
reduce costs in IT operations while providing higher levels of service to
business users." (Alarmpoint Systems Inc., Company. Retrieved January 29,
2008 from http://www.alarmpoint.com/?SID=company).

Lunch and doorprizes to be provided!


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