Good day everyone,

I have a question concerning the Remedy client.  I notice in the Status Bar at 
the bottom of the client window that it will show the logged-in user ID and 
also the Server name.  We have set up a new AR 7.1 server and have given it 
aliases of the old server and also DNS entries.  I have noticed that the server 
name in the Status bar seems to change from one alias to another seemingly 
randomly as different users log in and different forms are opened.  I was 
wondering where the client picks up this data?  We have been having some 
intermittent login problems with very long delays.  Rebooting the server seems 
to help for an undetermined number of logins.  I am thinking the client may be 
having problems resolving the host name.  We have entered the aliases in the 
Hosts file in Windows.  I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes 
to networking so pardon me.  
The only other change we made was that we installed the AR app and SQL on drive 
D: instead of C: where we did on the previous server.  This was requested by 
our Systems guy who maintains our servers.  Also the new one is a VM server.
I have looked in the BMC knowledgebase and through old AR list posts and the 
documentation, but to no avail.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

MS SQL Server 2005  updated
Windows Server 2003 updated on same server
Mid tier 7.1 on same server
ARSystem 7.1 patch 2
Client 7.1
Admin 7.1
Java  jdk1.6.0_06

David Morrison
East Tennessee State University

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