The use of persistent cache is so that you don't have to go fetch again after 
the Mid-Tier is restarted.  
BMC Remedy Mid Tier performance (persistent cache)

In AR System 7.1, forms currently cached in memory can now be serialized to a 
file, which enables these forms to be read back into memory when the 
application server hosting the mid tier application is restarted (after a 
normal shutdown).

Pre-fetch is for when the forms haven't yet been fetched.  It ensures that the 
fetching occurs prior to the first request for the form.  That way, users don't 
have to wait for the Mid-Tier to fetch the form - it's already there and cached 
for them.
-David J. Easter
Sr. Product Manager, Solution Strategy and Development
BMC Software, Inc.
The opinions, statements, and/or suggested courses of action expressed in this 
E-mail do not necessarily reflect those of BMC Software, Inc.  My voluntary 
participation in this forum is not intended to convey a role as a spokesperson, 
liaison or public relations representative for BMC Software, Inc.

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Behalf Of Joe DeSouza
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 3:43 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Mid-Tier 7.1.0 Performance Issue -- Tomcat

What is the use of persistent cache then? I thought that was introduced to do 
away with that initial hit of choking up the server during a startup where it 
takes forever to build its cache.
I did notice that the prefetch xml file was still available but hadn't really 
bothered configuring it as persistent cache kept our cache intact on disk 
during any web server restarts..


From: "Easter, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 5:31:52 PM
Subject: Re: Mid-Tier 7.1.0 Performance Issue -- Tomcat

> 7.1 doesn't use pre-fetch to the best of my knowledge.. 
AR System 7.1.00 definitely provides an ability to do pre-fetch.  In fact, 
7.1.00 is the first release where it was formally supported.  Here's a 
cut/paste from the "What's New in AR System 7.1.00" document:
Prefetching specified forms

Administrators can select forms to be preloaded into the system’s memory 
(prefetched) so that forms can be loaded faster when they are opened in a 
browser. This capability is especially useful for larger forms that otherwise 
might take several seconds to load.  Forms can be selected for prefetching 

from the BMC Remedy Configuration Tool, or

by editing the prefetchConfig.xml file, available in the web-inf/classes 

The What's New document can be found here:
06-Aug-2007 What’s New: BMC Remedy Action Request System 7.1.00 PDF 
-David J. Easter
Sr. Product Manager, Solution Strategy and Development
BMC Software, Inc.
The opinions, statements, and/or suggested courses of action expressed in this 
E-mail do not necessarily reflect those of BMC Software, Inc.  My voluntary 
participation in this forum is not intended to convey a role as a spokesperson, 
liaison or public relations representative for BMC Software, Inc.

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Behalf Of Joe DeSouza
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:12 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Mid-Tier 7.1.0 Performance Issue -- Tomcat

Change the Resource Check Interval to greater than that - make it about 604800 
that equate to 7 days rather than a day that you have there..
7.1 doesn't use pre-fetch to the best of my knowledge.. That was good until 
7.0. Check the Persistent Cache option instead on 7.1 which basically stores 
all your server cache on disk so if the web server is shut down gracefully, it 
uses the same cache that is on disk the next time it is brought up.
It blows the cache away from the disk only in case of a web server crash..
Adjust the java initial and maximum heap size (-Xms & -Xmx). The recommended 
maximum heap size should be no greater than 65 to 70% of the 'total available 
free memory' before Tomcat is started. Its good to have about 30 to 35% 
headroom or you would crash your tomcat server even while starting it or it 
might crash when and if you want to stop it. Your initial size should be at 
least about 1024 M. If that is over the 65 to 70% headroom that you need, then 
your server resources aren't enough - consider up sizing your server..
If you still see out of memory errors on the catalina.out file that causes your 
tomcat application server to crash, implement the 'incremental garbage 
collection' (-Xincgc). This helps your tomcat server to free up memory by 
clearing unused portions of its memory (least used portions).
Let me know if any of these help..


To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 2:20:50 PM
Subject: Mid-Tier 7.1.0 Performance Issue -- Tomcat

Hi All,

We are getting slow response from Server and we are looking for ways to improve 
our server performance.

I have made the following changes in the Mid-Tier configuration tool.

Cache Settings:

1) Uncheck the perform check box
2) Change the Resource Check Interval from the default of 300 seconds to 86400 


1) Log Level: For best performance, this value should be set to SEVERE. 
2) We are logging only Reporting.

There are few more recommedations I saw in the documentation and those are 

1) arsystem.pooling_max_connections_per_server: Default is 80. Change to 1000 
2) arsystem.pooling_max_total_connections: Change to 2000.

And also, I have updated the prefetchconfig.xml file with all the forms that we 
use regularly.

Below is our Environment Info:

AR Server Ver:7.1.0 Patch002
Mid-Tier: 7.1.0 Patch002
Web Server Information: Apache Tomcat/5.5.26
Java Version: 1.5.0_13
O/S: Linux

Does anyone have some type of documentation or tips or recommendations for 
enhancing the performance of Mid-Tier version 7.1.0 Patch002?

Any help is really appreciated.


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