Hello Listers!

Hope everyone is doing well. I have a Mid-Tier server running on 2003
Enterprise 64bit. I have been asked to install IIS 6 instead of Apache,
which I originally installed and worked great. Per the MT guide and a KM i
found, you are to run both the scripts below. The first script however
errors with the error below. Has anyone encounter this and know how to
resolve this to where I can get this script to apply? Thank you in advance
for any insight!

Best Regards,

Scripts to run:
cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3SVC/AppPools/ Enable32BitAppOnWin64 1
cscript.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\iisext.vbs /AddFile "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi
Redirector\bin\isapi_redirect.dll" 1 jakarta 1 jakarta

Results from trying the first script as admin on my 64bit 2003 server:
*C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts>cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3SVC/AppPools/
ppOnWin64 1
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

ErrNumber: -2147463164 (0x80005004)
Error Trying To GET the Schema of the property:

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