Following is the Requirement which I received form my client, I need some help 
to put this into place:

We have a group YYY which will be using Incident Management system to create 
tickets and tickets created by them should not be seen by the any other users 
of the system.

Following is what i did 

I created a new Group called YYY and assigned members to it, also I created a 
"Opt cat" for them to use. If any user does a search on the incident form I 
have an active link to check if the user is of YYY group and the ticket has the 
"Opt Cat" value, if yes, I throw a message saying "you are not authorized to 
view this ticket" and hide all fields on the incident form. But, here is 
the problem, user was able to create report on this ticket using he in built 
reporting button on tne menu and view the details of the ticket. Please let me 
know is there any I can disable Reporting option only on this instance.

Other Way - I did try to close the Incident form when they hit these tickets 
but system is giving a message asking if is it ok close the window with out 
saving the ticket, If I say Yes no issues and Incident form is closed, when I 
say no form is not closed and user still  able to generate a report to see the 
information on the ticket. 

Please sugesst me some soulution to do this.


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